Purdue University

School of Nuclear Engineering

NUCL 355 - Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory

Spring 2008



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Please Note that these notes are only for registered students in NUCL 355 spring 2008 class


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(Restricted Material -This material is available only to registered student of NUCL 355L Spring 08 class)


Instructor:                     S. T. Revankar                   NUCL 132E          496-1782




Lab Assistants:             TBA


Schedule:                      Lecture                               Tues. 9:30-10:20am, Room GRIS 170

                                    Laboratory                         Tuesday, Thursday 1:30-3:20pm, Friday 3:30-5:20             Wednesday and Friday 9:30-11:20am ECE B085


Prerequisite:                  NUCL 350


Corequisite:                  NUCL 351


Course Outline:             This course will provide students with laboratory practice on various fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena seen in nuclear reactor systems and design.


                                    The course consists of thirteen laboratory experiments:


Lab 1:  Basic Hydrostatic Pressure and Manometer Experiment

Lab 2:  Reynolds Experiment

Lab 3:  Flow Meters and DP Measurements

Lab 4:  Flow around Bodies

Lab 5:  Turbulence and Vortex Visualization in a Vertical Channel

Lab 6:  Pipe Friction and Similarity Law

Lab 7:  Drag Force on Spheres

Lab 8:  Two-Phase Natural Circulation

Lab 9:  Two-Phase Flow Regimes

Lab 10:  Thermal Conduction

Lab 11:  Natural and Forced Convection

Lab 12:  Pool Boiling

Lab 13:  Critical Flow and Phase Change (Blowdown Expt.)


                                    Regular class attendance is required. Quizzes may be given in the class. If you cannot attend please make arrangements with the instructor in advance.


Prelab:                          A prelab homework problem will be given with every experiment handout,  except for couple labs.  The objective of the prelab homework is to acquaint the student with the concepts to be investigated during the experiment. 


Lab Reports:                Students will perform experiments in groups.  Each student will write a full lab report according to the format provided in the Lecture 1 handout for the following labs:

Lab 2

Lab 8

Lab 11

The report must be prepared according to the attached guidelines. 


For the other labs, each person will submit a partial lab report consisting of: Short Introduction, Data (original and reduced), Sample Calculations, Analysis and Discussion,  and Conclusions. 


Homework:                  Homework problems will be regularly assigned as part of the prelab to reinforce the concepts previously studied in the labs.


Due Dates:                   A prelab will be assigned each Tuesday during lecture and will be due on the day that the corresponding lab is performed.  The lab reports will be due at the beginning of the following lab. 


A penalty of 5% per day will be deducted for each day late.  Prelabs, homework and lab reports will not be accepted more than one week late.


Exams:                         Two exams: one midterm and one comprehensive final will be given.


Grading:                       The course grade will be based upon lab reports, homework assignments and exams.  All full lab reports will have two times the weight of a partial lab report.  Prelabs assignments will be weighted equally.


                                    Lab reports                        67%

                                    Prerelab                             6%,

                                    Quizzes                              2%                        

                                    Exams                                25% (Midterm 10%, Final 15%)


                                    It is anticipated that the course grade will be assigned as:

                                    A                                       85% or above

                                    B                                        75%-84%

                                    C                                       65%-74%

                                    D, F, I                                as warranted


Honesty Policy:             It is very important to display academic integrity in your class assignments and exams.  While it is appropriate and encouraged to work together on homework assignments and lab reports, each person must turn in homework assignments and lab reports that show original work to receive credit.  Exams must be taken without the assistance of others. 


                                    Cheating on an exam or class assignment will result in a lower grade for the assignment or the course and reports to the student’s school and the Dean of Students.  Any student who is suspected of academic dishonesty must also initiate appointments to discuss the situation with the course instructor and the Head of the School.


                                    For definitions of academic dishonesty, the student is referred to the Dean of Student’s website:



School of Nuclear Engineering

Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN  47907


NUCL 355

Spring 2008







1.      Reports should be typed or word-processed. A legible hand written report is also acceptable in case typing or word-processing cannot be done. In the latter case, use a medium hardness pencil and a good eraser to facilitate writing


2.      Use good English (see Additional Remarks and Cautions)


3.      Graphs and figures should be clearly drawn with appropriate legends for axes and lines and they should be provided with complete figure captions.


4.      Reports found deficient will need to be resubmitted with some loss of credit.



The front page will contain the following information:


School of Nuclear Engineering

Purdue University


Title of the Experiment


A Report of the Experiment Conducted by

(Names of the members in the group)



Written by (name of the author)




NUCL 355

Prof. S. T. Revankar


The report will contain the following sections, with each section beginning on a new page.

1.      Executive Summary


In this section an extended abstract will state the nature of the experiment, the purpose of the experiment, the major findings and the main conclusions derived from the experiment. This part should be self-contained without reference to the body of text.  It could contain an equation or two if necessary but no figures.  (approximately 200- 500 words)


2.      Introduction and Theoretical Considerations


Start out by stating in simple words the motivation for this particular experiment. Continue by stating what is expected to be demonstrated, discovered or to be proven. Give subsequently the theoretical background on whose premises the experimental results will be tested and compared with. To a limited extent, make an effort to present what other relevant information is available in the literature, both experimental and theoretical.  (2-3 pages)


3.      Description of the Experiment


Include a schematic figure to illustrate the set-up. Number various components so that you can describe the apparatus. Make sure that you can identify in detail all the instruments you use, including the name of manufacturer and instrument serial number as appropriate.  Expand portions of the apparatus in separate drawings if necessary to show important details. The figure should contain self-explanatory captions. (1-2 pages)


4.      Data Acquisition


In this section describe the procedure used to collect the data in systematic order.  Enter this raw data in Appendix A-1 under the title Original Data. This section should be concise such that other person would be able to use the data for analysis. (1-2 pages)


5.      Analysis and Discussion of the Experimental Data


In this section you will include Reduced Data in the form required to analyze and discuss them under the premises set forth in the Introduction. These tables will normally be an abbreviated version of those appearing in Appendix A-2.


Use self-explanatory figures/illustrations to compare your data with other available theoretical or experimental results. Critically examine your data and explain any deviations observed from your expectations under the light of Error Analysis included in the Appendix A-4. For each figure and table, use separate pages in the order they are referred to in the body of the text.  (2-5 pages)


6.      Unusual Observations and Unexpected Findings


In this section record any observation made that you cannot explain from first principles. You should make an effort to offer tentative explanation. (1 page)


7.      Conclusions, Recommendations and Comments


In this section cite the conclusions drawn from the experiment. What was shown or failed to be shown, or any new finding, should be stated in a concise way. Conclude this section by providing recommendations such as alternative methods of performing the experiment to make it more successful. Also feel free to make comments on what you liked best or least in this particular experiment (1-2 pages)


8.      List of References


The references will be numbered in order they appear in the text, e.g.,

3. Pitts, Donald R. and Leighton E. Sissom, "Heat Transfer", Schaum’s Outline Series In Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977.


4. Giedt W.H., "Investigation of Variation of Point Unit-Heat-Transfer Coefficient Around a Cylinder Normal to an Air Stream", Trans. ASME vol. 71, 1949, pp 375-381.




A-1 Original Data

 Here you will copy from your lab book all data and pertinent notes recorded during the experiment either by you or your group member. Make sure to include the names of team members that provided the data information.


A-2 Reduced Data  

Most of the time you will have original data in the form of voltages currents or length (such as manometer level), which need to be reduced to the physical quantities such as pressure, temperature or some non-dimensional number.  In this appendix, tabulate the required reduced data.         


A-3 Sample Calculations

Here you should enter sample calculations you performed to reduce your data to the form needed for comparison/discussion as described above.


A-4 Error Analysis

In this section you should analyze all your data statistically, so that you can estimate the error and reliability of your data. Make sure to identify systematic and random errors and error propagation while reducing data. Do not reject any data without sound explanation. Be critical and conservative in your error estimations.


Additional Remarks and Cautions


All reports should be typed/word processed or hand-written in pencil with clear legible handwriting without crossing-out or sloppy appearance. The quality of your English will be carefully evaluated. Unacceptable reports will be given back for revision with some loss of credit. It is to the best of your interest to submit a good report the first time.