(module backprop-Fs-mzc mzscheme (require "common-mzc.ss") ;;; Representation for weights: ;;; list with one element for each layer following the input; ;;; each such list has one element for each unit in that layer; ;;; which consists of a bias, followed by the weights for each ;;; unit in the previous layer. ;;; Basic MLP (define (sum-activities activities) (lambda (bias-ws) (let ((bias (first bias-ws)) (ws (rest bias-ws))) ((reduce d+ bias) (map d* ws activities))))) (define (sum-layer activities ws-layer) (map (sum-activities activities) ws-layer)) (define (sigmoid x) (d/ 1 (d+ (dexp (d- 0 x)) 1))) (define (forward-pass ws-layers) (lambda (in) (if (null? ws-layers) in ((forward-pass (cdr ws-layers)) (map sigmoid (sum-layer in (first ws-layers))))))) (define (error-on-dataset dataset) (lambda (ws-layers) ((reduce d+ 0) (map (lambda (in-target) (let ((in (first in-target)) (target (second in-target))) (d* 0.5 (magnitude-squared (v- ((forward-pass ws-layers) in) target))))) dataset)))) ;;; Optimization of the sort used with MLPs and backpropagation, ;;; often called "vanilla backprop" ;;; Scaled structure subtraction (define (s-k* x k y) (cond ((real? x) (d- x (d* k y))) ((pair? x) (cons (s-k* (car x) k (car y)) (s-k* (cdr x) k (cdr y)))) (else x))) ;;; Vanilla gradient optimization. ;;; Gradient minimize f starting at w0 for n iterations via ;;; w(t+1) = w(t) - eta * grad_w f. ;;; returns the last f(w) (define (weight-gradient f) (lambda (ws) ((map-n (lambda (li) (let ((ll (list-ref ws li))) ((map-n (lambda (ui) ((map-n (lambda (wi) ((derivative-F (lambda (x) (f (replace-ith ws li (replace-ith (list-ref ws li) ui (replace-ith (list-ref (list-ref ws li) ui) wi x)))))) (list-ref (list-ref (list-ref ws li) ui) wi)))) (length (list-ref ll ui))))) (length ll))))) (length ws)))) (define (vanilla f w0 n eta) (if (dzero? n) (f w0) (vanilla f (s-k* w0 eta ((weight-gradient f) w0)) (d- n 1) eta))) ;;; XOR network (define (xor-ws0) '(((0 -0.284227 1.16054) (0 0.617194 1.30467)) ((0 -0.084395 0.648461)))) (define (xor-data) '(((0 0) (0)) ((0 1) (1)) ((1 0) (1)) ((1 1) (0)))) (define (run) (write-real (vanilla (error-on-dataset (xor-data)) (xor-ws0) 1000000 0.3))) (run))