Project Submission Guideline

You will use the following turnin script for project submission (Note the course name. It's EE468 not ECE468!):

turnin -c EE468 -p "step_name" -v "your_project_dir"

A different step_name will be given for each project step, and your_project_dir will be the directory in which your files are stored. Use your account name for your_project_dir name. For example, if your account name is "vsmith" and you are doing step0, you should:

  1. SSH Login to '' or go to the linux machines in EE207. It's important that you login there as I haven't tested it on other machines with success. The turnin command may not work if you log into min or yara or other servers. You can also use other machines to ssh login to
  2. Create a directory with your account name, e.g. "vsmith".
  3. Copy all your files of a particular project step to that directory (note: copy the files for one project step only; better do not create subdirectories for these files, make sure that
    1. Makefile is in the first level of that directory for the convenience of grading (i.e. just in directory "vsmith" instead of any subdirectory of vsmith);
    2. Do not put files/directories for another project step there, so you just submit one project at one time.).
    3. Go to the parent directory of that directory (i.e. "vsmith").
    4. ECE 468 students: Type command
      turnin -c EE468 -p step0 -v vsmith
      where step0 is the name of the project step, and is the only parameter that you need to change for every project step)
    5. ECE 573 students: Type command
      turnin -c EE468=ee573 -p step0 -v vsmith

Note: the path after "-v", for the purpose of making the grading easier for this course, has to be your account name. Because all the files need to be uncompressed to their seperate directory on the server for grading. Use "man turnin" for more information about how to use the command turnin.

Here is an example of what you will see on the screen. Note that vsmith is a fake account name.

[1][1:32:01pm]% turnin -c EE468 -p step0 -v vsmith
drwxr-xr-x vsmith/other 0 2004-08-24 13:31:30 vsmith/
-rwxr--r-- vsmith/other 800 2004-08-24 13:31:13 vsmith/dump.c
-rwxr--r-- vsmith/other 1562 2004-08-24 13:31:19 vsmith/sig.c
-rw-r--r-- vsmith/other 230 2004-08-24 13:31:30 vsmith/anote.c
-rw-r--r-- vsmith/other 230 2004-08-24 13:31:30 vsmith/Makefile
Compressing submitted files... please wait
Your files have been submitted to EE468, step0 for grading.

About using Makefile

You will include a Makefile in your submission. Make sure your Makefile works on the ECN machines. Makefile should have the following rules in order:

  1. First rule is "all" that depends on rule "group" and rule "compiler"
  2. Second rule is "group" that prints out group member names
  3. Third rule is "compiler" that actually builds your compiler. You main file should be ""
  4. The last rule is "clean" which cleans up the files created by "make"