Step 0: Submission Test - Due Friday, August

This step is to teach you how to submit the project using the turnin command on the ECN machines. We will give you 10 extra points to your step1 grade (not final grade) if you perform this step (correctly or incorrectly). Please, note that it's in your own interest to learn precisely how to submit the projects correctly since according to the course policy, failure in submitting the project before the deadline will result in severe penalties to your grade.

The Task: Create and submit a dummy project

  1. Log into your ECN account() and create a directory called step0. If you are working in pairs, pick one account to be your "group account" for the semester. Note: all future steps must be turned in from the account you use in this step
  2. Copy the following files into the step0 directory: Makefile, helloworld.c
  3. Create a file in the same directory called "readme.txt" which contains the names and login ids of the members of your group (if you're not working in a group, this file should just have your information).
  4. Submit the project under the name step0 following the instructions for the turnin command

♦: If you don't have access to ECN servers, please follow this link.