Programming Assignment 5 — Classification

Due: April 6th

Homework 5 : Classification

This homework looks at using two different techniques to classify pixels in an image (of a cat) as either foreground ("cat") or background ("grass").

This homework is due April 6th.


In this assignment you will:

  • Build a naive Bayes classifier to perform pixel classification
  • Build a k-nearest neighbor classifier to perform pixel classification.


This homework uses an image called cat_grass.png. Each pixel in this image can be assigned to the foreground ("It's a cat!") or the background ("It's just grass"). We have given you training data for the two classes, in hw5_cat.txt and hw5_grass.txt.


0) Set up your repository for this homework.

Click the link on Blackboard to set up a repository for homework 5, then clone it, as you did for homework 0.

The repository should contain 6 files:

  1. This README
  2. Training data called hw5_cat.txt, with pixels that are all in the class "cat," and hw5_grass.txt, with pixels that are all in the class "grass."
  3. A PDF with the homework writeup called hw05.pdf
  4. A helper file called that has a helper function for normalizing your data.
  5. A test image, cat_grass.png whose pixels you will classify.

1) Homework Problem 1: Naive Bayes

For problem 1, put your code in a file called and your writeup in a file called hw5_1.doc or hw5_1.pdf. If you are using Jupyter Notebook, put your code and writeup in hw5_1.ipynb.

Do exercise 1 from hw05.pdf

We ask you to generate an image at the end of problem 1. Please generate an image called hw5_1.png

2) Homework Problem 2: Bootstrap

For problem 1, put your code in a file called and your writeup in a file called hw5_1.doc or hw5_1.pdf. If you are using Jupyter Notebook, put your code and writeup in hw5_1.ipynb.

Do exercise 1 from hw05.pdf

We ask you to generate an image at the end of problem 1. Please generate an image called hw5_2.png

What you need to submit

Each of the homework problems specify what file(s) to generate and submit for that problem. Remember that if you are writing code in a .py file, you must include your writeup in an accompanying .doc or .pdf file. If you are writing code in a .ipynb file, your writeup should be included inline.

Please also include the two generated images in your submission.

Submitting your code

Please tag the version of the code that you want to submit with submission, as you did in HW0.

Don't forget to commit the code that you want to submit before tagging your submission. You have to do this in two steps.