Instructor (10:30 MWF lecture): Prof. Dave Meyer
Office: MSEE 238
Office Hours: T/W/R, 3:00-4:00 pm
Instructor (4:30 MWF lecture): Rick Kennell
Office: EE 252
Office Hours: M/W/F, 2:00-3:00 pm
Lab Supervisor: Dr. Mark C. Johnson
Office: EE 248
Course E-mail:
Required Background: A basic understanding of circuits (voltage, current, Ohm's Law) and electrical components (resistors, capacitors, switches)
Course Text: Digital Design Principles and Practices - 5th Ed., John F. Wakerly, Prentice Hall, 2017.
Materials Required: In addition to the course text, you will need to purchase the following during the first week of classes:
Recommended Software: You can download your own (trial-use) copy of the ispLEVER Classic Software Package here.
Objective: To provide necessary background for upper-division Computer Engineering courses in ECE. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to analyze and design both combinational and sequential logic circuits. Students will also learn how to use a hardware description language (Verilog) to design and test digital circuits targeted for programmable logic devices.
Course Description: An introduction to digital system design and hardware engineering, with an emphasis on practical design techniques and circuit implementation. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, theory of logic functions, mapping techniques and function minimization, logic equivalent circuits and symbol transformations, CMOS logic gate implementations, gate electrical and timing characteristics, critical path assessment and propagation delay measurement, analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits, programmable logic devices, hardware description languages, signed number notations and arithmetic, binary arithmetic logic circuits, theory of sequential circuits, state transition and timing diagrams, analysis and synthesis of sequential circuits, Mealy and Moore models of sequential circuits, register design, clock generation circuits, metastability and reliability considerations, and design of a simple computer.
Nature of Design Experience: Through the combination of homework assignments and laboratory experiments, students will learn how to: (a) design combinational and sequential circuits using hardware components, and (b) design combinational and sequential circuits using hardware description languages and programmable logic devices.