Item Analysis - ECE 270 Primary Assessment Exam 3 - Spring 2019 - REVISED 1. ( 96.3%) Characteristic equation for VF flip-flop... 2. ( 94.3%) Excitation required for VF flip-flop... 3. ( 98.3%) Output sequence generated for input sequence given... 4. ( 93.2%) Embedded binary sequence that is recognized... 5. ( 95.3%) Duty cycle of clocking signal... 6. ( 60.1%) Nominal setup time provided... 7. ( 82.4%) Nominal hold time provided... 8. ( 99.0%) Nominal clock pulse width... 9. ( 98.0%) Rise propagation delay of flip-flop... 10. ( 95.6%) Fall propagation delay of flip-flop... 11. ( 92.9%) Steady state output for input A=0, B=1... 12. ( 97.3%) Steady state output for input A=1, B=1... 13. ( 84.1%) State that cannot occur... 14. ( 87.5%) Behavior when input A=0, B=0 is continuously applied... 15. ( 95.6%) Minimum input pulse width required to prevent metastability... 16. ( 97.6%) Reason a D laatch is called transparent... 17. ( 52.4%) Statements regarding Mealy and Moore models... 18. ( 61.8%) Definition of minimum risk... 19. ( 38.9%) Cause of a random next state... 20. ( 53.0%) Behavior of SR latch tested in Lab 8... 21. ( 57.1%) Identification of latch/flip-flop timing behavior... 22. ( 95.9%) Minimum cost next state equation for Z... 23. ( 95.3%) Minimum cost next state equation for Y... 24. ( 90.5%) Minimum cost next state equation for X... 25. ( 91.2%) Additional states needed for minimum risk synthesis... 26. ( 59.8%) Mystery machine sensitivity list... 27. ( 69.6%) Action that occurs on falling edge of clock... 28. ( 63.2%) Number of distinct states machine cycles through... 29. (TOSSED) Repeating pattern produced when DIR is 1... 30. ( 70.9%) Repeating pattern produced when DIR is 0... Overall average: 81.63%