Prof. Mireille Boutin

ECE662/ CS662

Statistical Pattern Recognition and Decision Making Processes

Spring 2022

Tuesday, Thursday 3:00-4:15


Instructor: Prof Mireille Boutin

Course Description: This is a theory focused (not project-based) course on pattern recognition from a statistical standpoint. We view the problem of pattern recognition from the point of view of estimation theory, and present a unified framework for all classification methods. Grades are based on homework (60%) and midterm exam (40%) scores.


  1. linear algebra

  2. probability and statistics

Midterm Exam will be in class on Th. March 24, 2022.

References include:

  1. Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, by K. Fukunaga

  2. The Elements of Statistical Learning, by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman.

  3. Stochastic Processes: Theory for application, by  R.G. Gallager

  4. R.G. Gallager’s lecture notes Chapter 3

  5. Support Vector Machines, by Steinwart and Christman.

  6. Pattern Classification, by Duda, Hart and Stork.