Prof. Mireille Boutin

The Data Science Labs

The Data Science Labs on Differential and Integral Calculus (MA16290):


                        Fall 2023 offering (pick one):

                        Tu 2:30-5pm CRN 25495

                        Mo 5:30-8pm CRN 25496


    A one credit course to accompany Calculus 2. Discover applications of differential and integral calculus to data science. You will also learn to program in Python and to use Arduino sensors and microprocessors to acquire data. No prior experience with Python or Arduino is required. The lab counts towards the Applications in Data Science Certificate. It also counts as a complementary elective for ECE (CMPE and BSEE).                                


        Pre-requisite: Calculus 1

        Co-requisite Calculus 2 (MA16020 or MA 162 or MA182 )

The class requires no work outside of the lab. There is no homework, no quiz, no test, no exam. All work is performed during the 150 minutes spent in the lab each week. If you do well in the class and display good collaboration and communication skills, you may be invited to become a (paid) TA for the course in future semesters.

The book for the class is available on github at:

If you are taking Calculus 2 (any version) at the same time as this lab, you can earn honors credit for Calculus 2 by taking this lab. See syllabus for details.

Python Programming Topics Covered

  1. Primitive Data Types (e.g., numbers, strings)

  2. Expressions on Primitive Types

  3. Conditionals

  4. Loops

  5. Structured types (e.g., arrays, lists)

  6. Functions and methods

  7. File I/O operations

  8. Namespaces

  9. Modules

  10. Objects

  11. Classes

  12. Inheritance

  13. using a REPL system

  14. Function visualization with plots

  15. Data cleaning

  16. Boolean indexing

  17. Symbolic computation

Arduino Hardware used includes

  1. Raspberry Pi Pico (micro-python)

  2. Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor

  3. Accelerometer

  4. Ultrasonic distance sensor

  5. OLED Display

  6. Tactile switch


Lab Topics by Week

  1.    Intro to Notebooks:

        Week 1: Laboratory 0

        Week 2: Laboratory 1

  1.    Determine your heart rate

        Week 3: Laboratory 2

  1.    Estimate your blood flow

        Week 4: Laboratory 3

  1.     Measure the height of tall and far away things

       Week 5: Laboratory 4a

       Week 6-7: Laboratory 4b

        Week 8-9: Laboratory 4c

        Week 10: Laboratory 4d

        Week 11: Laboratory 4e     

  1.     Measure the speed of nearby things        

        Week 12: Laboratory 5a

        Week 13: Laboratory 5b       

  1.     Design a project of your own

        Week 14-15: Final Project


The development of this course was supported by Purdue’s College of Engineer and the Department of Mathematics. We thank Prof. Alina Alexeenko, Prof. Eric Nauman , Prof.  Kristina Bross, Prof. Milind Kulkarni, Prof. Uli Walther and Dr. Natasha Duncan for their invaluable input and support.