Samuel Labi
Samuel Labi
I am an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the Transportation and Infrastructure Systems division at Purdue University.
My research can be described as the use of analytical tools in economics, finance, operations research, statistics and econometrics to carry out various tasks faced by civil engineers at the different phases of transportation facility development – needs assessment, planning, design, construction, operations, monitoring, and preservation.
System types include the different modes of transportation and the various systems in each mode. My research direction is motivated by the current nature of the landscape of current transportation policy, planning and practice, environment. This landscape is characterized by aging infrastructure, funding limitations, and increased stakeholder participation, infrastructure vulnerability and traveler security.
These continuing trends have spawned the need for enhanced analytical tools and businesslike approaches to infrastructure decision making. The goal is to make transportation investment decisions more transparent and accountable so that highway agencies can render a better account of their stewardship of transportation infrastructure.
welcome !!
Contact Information
Purdue University
School of Civil Eng.,
550 Stadium Mall Drive
W. Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone (765) 494-5926
Fax (765) 496-7996
Office CIVL G175A
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