801812 Description

Purdue Agronomy Farm Soybean Variety (801812)


The purpose of the experiment was to study the variation of the spectral characteristics between varieties of soybeans. The plots were planted by other researchers at the agronomy farm for other research purposes. The plots, six feet wide, were smaller than those normally planted for studying spectral characteristics. It was determined after collecting data over the plots a few times that they were not wide enough for accurate measurements of canopy reflectance. Concerns exist as to whether the data collected represents the canopy for a single plot. The border rows are included in the field of view; the border rows differ from the interior rows. Any analysis of the data should be done with the above concerns in mind.

The spectral measurements were made with a Landsat band radiometer (Exotech Model 100). Radiant temperatures and overhead color photographs of the canopies were obtained simultaneously with the reflectance measurements.

Identification Record Codes

1. Level of Factor Codes

       Factor                             Level
  Code   Description                 Code   Description
   1:  Variety                        0:  Beeson 80
                                      1:  Century
                                      2:  Cumberland
                                      3:  Gnome
                                      4:  Nebsoy
                                      5:  Oakland
                                      6:  Pella
                                      7:  Wells II
                                      8:  Will
                                      9:  Williams 79

   2:  Row width                      1:  15 cm
                                      2:  45 cm
                                      3:  90 cm

   3:  Block or Replication           1:  First block
                                      2:  Second block
                                      3:  Third block

2. Experiment Parameters

Experiment parameter 09: Air temperature as measured by a probe attached to the boom supporting the multiband radiometer in Celsius degrees.

Experiment parameter 10: Radiant temperature as measured by a precision radiation thermometer (PRT-5) obliquely viewing the top surface of the canopy in Celsius degrees.