801806 Description

Purdue Agronomy Farm Winter Wheat (801806)


This experiment was a continuation of the 1979 Winter Wheat Experiment. The purpose was to investigate the effects of disease and nitrogen fertilization on the spectral and agronomic characteristics of winter wheat. There were three nitrogen fertilizer rates (0, 60, and 120 kg/hectare), and three disease treatments (resistant cultivar, susceptible cultivar) and susceptible cultivar treated with fungicide) with two replications in a randomized complete block design. Measurements of reflectance and radiant temperature of the wheat canopies were made with the Exotech 20C field spectroradiometer system and the Exotech 100 field radiometer system at approximately weekly intervals from tillering through ripe stages of development. Agronomic characterizations of the canopies included: leaf area index, biomass, percent soil cover, height lodging, disease severity, leaf nitrogen concentration, and grain yield.

Identification Record Codes

1. Level of Factor Codes

       Factor                             Level
  Code   Description                 Code   Description
   1:  Nitrogen fertilization         0:  Bare soil
                                      1:  0 kg/ha
                                      2:  60 kg/ha
                                      3:  120 kg/ha

   2:  Variety                        0:  Bare soil
                                      1:  Monon (susceptible)
                                      2:  Monon (susceptible,
                                           treated with fungicide)
                                      3:  69195 C9-4-1-1

   4:  Block or Replication           1:  First block
                                      2:  Second block

2. Experiment Parameters

Experiment parameter 02: Measurements of leaf nitrogen concentration in percent (grams of nitrogen per grams of leaf dry weight)

Experiment parameter 09: Air temperature as measured by a probe attached to the boom supporting the multiband radiometer in Celsius degrees.

Experiment parameter 10: Radiant temperature as measured by a precision radiation thermometer (PRT-5) obliquely viewing the top surface of the canopy in Celsius degrees.