This experiment was a continuation of the Irrigated Winter Wheat Kansas Experiments for 1974-75 and 1975-76 and is related to the Spring Wheat North Dakota Experiments done at the Williston, North Dakota Agriculture Experiment Station during 1975, 1976, and 1977. These data were collected as a part of the LACIE Field Measurements Project. More information can be found in the LACIE Field Measurements Project Plan, 1976-77 and in the LACIE Field Measurements Data Library Catalog, Volume III, 1976-77 Crop Year.
Field - 15N General Row Spacing - 10 inch (25 cm) Row Direction - North/South Seeding Rate - 80 lbs/acre Variety - Eagle Pre-plant Irrigation - September 17, 1976 Plots Descriptions - See attached chart Plot Replication Planting Nitrogen No. No. Date Fertilization (1976) (lbs/acre) _________________________________ 23 1 10-1 0 24 1 10-14 0 25 1 10-1 50 26 1 10-14 50 27 2 10-14 0 28 2 10-14 50 29 2 10-1 0 30 2 10-1 50 _________________________________