Vegetation and Soils
Field Research Data Summary

Welcome to the Purdue University/Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing Vegetation and Soils Research Data Summary. The Field Research Data Library consists of over 200,000 spectral observations of soils and vegetation that have been collected for over 200 experiments since 1972. The data base includes spectral observations from spectrometers with 60 to 210 bands from 0.4 - 2.4 um and multiband radiometers with Landsat MSS and Thematic Mapper spectral bands. The data base includes the calibrated spectral data along with the associated biophysical and meteorological data. These data have been collected as part of several NASA programs including LACIE and AgRISTARS. The data for many of the experiments can be downloaded. Please let us know if you download any files, you would like to see the data for a specific experiment made available or if you have any comments; send messages to

The Field Research Data Library is organized by year and experiment. This summary includes information about:

Experiments organized by year and experiment number,

Scene Types that spectral data have been collected over,

Spectral Instruments used to collect the data and

Locations where spectral data have been collected at.

Also available is information about Data Sets including instructions for downloading available data files, data file format descriptions and data file table documentation.

Some reports and papers relative to these data sets have been converted to Adobe Acrobat Reader format.

Last updated: February 1, 2018. Please send questions or comments to