Distributed Multimedia Systems Laboratory

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director: Arif Ghafoor

The Distributed Multimedia Systems Laboratory, located in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, provides a world-class facility to conduct research in multimedia systems. The laboratory facilities include several high-end servers such as SPARC 1000 & 10's, Pentium-based PC's, and IBM RS6000 servers, all interconnected over a suite of heterogeneous high-speed fiber networks consisting ATM switches, FDDI, and Fast Ethernet. Collectively, these servers provide a distributed multimedia database environment. The system is used to conduct both theoretical and experimental research in multimedia database management and broadband multimedia networking . The facility is connected to several high performance supercomputers on campus including Intel Paragon using high speed network. Such connectivity provides a unique environment for heterogeneous supercomputing of the type and magnitude needed to process complex multimedia queries and perform on-line searches on massive multimedia databases.

Location: MSEE206 Lab