Grassmannian Subspace Packing

The complex (or real) Grassmann manifold G(m,k) is the set of k-dimensional subspaces in Cm (or Rm).  Grassmannian subspace packing is the problem of finding a set of N k-dimensional subspaces in G(m,k) that maximize the minimum distance between any pair of subspaces in the set.  Numerous distance functions can be defined on the Grassmann manifold (see Barg and Nogin,  Bounds on Packings of Spheres in the Grassmann Manifold).  

This page provides the best known packings (at least to me) for various values of k and N for the complex Grassmann manifold.  For real packings please see the excellent tables provided by Neil Sloane.  The packings are all given in .mat format.

If you have found a better packing then send me an email to djlove s@

k=1 packings  The packings are stored in matrix format where the columns represent each of the N lines.  The files are labeled codebook_m_Nvec.mat.

k=2 packings

k=3 packings

k=4 packings

k=5 packings