Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Medium:
Information Freshness in Scalable and Energy Constrained Machine to Machine
Wireless Networks
updated in August 2024.
Principal Investigators: Chih-Chun Wang
(Purdue), Bo Ji (Virginia Tech), Ashutosh Sabharwal (Rice), and Ness Shroff
This is a collaborative project among
Purdue, OSU, Rice, and Virginia Tech, under the Grant Numbers CNS-2107363,
CNS-2106932, CNS- 2106993 and CNS-2106427, respectively.
The last decade has seen an unprecedented
growth in wireless devices and consumers' need to own and use them in new and
exciting ways. As these devices become more popular, Machine Type
Communications (MTC) are getting increasingly prevalent, where communications
(through timely updates) occur primarily between machines. In such MTC systems,
timely updates are needed to make decisions for various applications and
actuations, and the utility of each update crucially depends on the freshness
of information content. Furthermore, many of these IoT devices are battery
powered, therefore mechanisms are needed in place to simultaneously ensure long
battery lifetimes. Taking all of these considerations into account, the
overarching goal of this project is to develop novel tools and techniques to
optimize information freshness and energy efficiency while meeting the
practical requirements of wireless MTC systems.
The goals of this project are to develop the
analytical foundations for controlling and optimizing information freshness in
wireless MTC networks, resulting in fully distributed provably efficient
algorithms and protocols that will be extensively evaluated on a large-scale
programmable testbed at Rice University.
By addressing the robustness, scalability,
and energy efficiency in MTC networks, the results of this project will have
significant impacts on a broad class of applications supported by these
networks ranging from autonomous driving to smart healthcare. In addition to
broadening its societal impact via analytical and empirical developments, a
significant part of this project is to recruit women and under-represented
minority students through research engagements and outreach activities within
the four collaborating universities, including mechanisms to increase
leadership and participation from under-represented groups.
Key Accomplishments
We conducted research on the following
aspects of Age-of-Information (AoI) optimization in
MTC networks: robustness, energy efficiency, and age-based scheduling.
in MTC Networks
We consider a status update system, in which
update packets are sent to the destination via a wireless medium that allows
for multiple rates, where a higher rate also naturally corresponds to a higher
error probability. We design a low-complexity optimal scheduler that selects
between two different transmission rate and error probability pairs to be used
at each transmission epoch. To this end, we show that there exists a
threshold-type policy that is age-optimal, and that the objective function is
quasi-convex or non-decreasing in the threshold.
We consider a sampling problem, where the
source generates fresh samples and sends the samples through a forward channel
to a remote estimator, and acknowledgements are sent back over a feedback
channel. Due to various channel conditions, the forward channel can be
unreliable, and both the forward and feedback channels could have random
transmission delays. This problem is motivated by distributed sensing, where
the estimator can receive the signal samples from the channel and the noisy
observation from a local sensor. It is shown that the estimation error is a
non-decreasing function of the age. For general non-decreasing functions of the
age, an optimal sampling policy is designed. The optimal policy is stationary
deterministic and has a threshold structure: If the previous transmission was
successful, it waits until the age exceeds a threshold and sends out a fresh
sample. If the previous transmission failed, it sends out a fresh sample
without waiting. The threshold is a root of a fixed-point equation and can be
computed with low complexity such as bisection search. Furthermore, we
generalize the work by adding a sampling rate constraint. The optimal policy
can be randomized but has a similar threshold structure.
Efficiency in MTC Networks
We study transmission scheduling with
imperfect channel state information (CSI) in a system, where updates are
periodically generated and transmitted to the destination over a
time-correlated fading
channel. We consider two practical ways to obtain CSI (i.e., delayed sensing
and transmission feedback) and investigate the age minimization problem under
average energy constraints in the two different cases. We demonstrate that for
each case, the optimal policy is a randomization of two threshold-type
policies. The threshold-type policy in the case without sensing has a threshold
in the belief on good channel state while that in the case with sensing has a
threshold in the age. In addition, we propose structure-aware scheduling
algorithms for each case.
We consider a status update system, where an
access point collects samples from multiple sensors and transmits the collected
samples to the destination over error-prone channels. Our goal is to minimize
the long-term average age with constraints on the long-term average energy and
distortion of each update, where the distortion is determined by the number of
collected samples. Under assumption that the distortion requirement is a
non-decreasing function of the age, we show that the optimal policy is a mixture
of two stationary deterministic policies, each of which is optimal for a
parameterized average cost problem and is of a threshold-type, i.e.,
transmission is conducted when the age exceeds a threshold and the distortion
requirement is met. We derive the average cost under the threshold-type policy
as a piecewise function, and analytically characterize its performance in the
large threshold regime. With these, we devise a low-complexity algorithm for
the original problem. Moreover, we consider a special case when the distortion
requirement is independent of the age, and provide a closed-form solution for
the parameterized problem.
Scheduling in MTC Networks
We consider the age-based scheduling
minimization problem, where a source can transmit the status updates over two
heterogeneous channels. This work is motivated by recent developments in 5G mmWave technology, in which the mmWave
channel is unreliable but fast, and the sub-6GHz channel is slow but reliable.
The unreliable channel is modeled as a time correlated Markovian channel at a
high data rate. The reliable channel is deterministic with lower data rate. The
scheduler decides the channel to be used in each time slot, aiming to minimize
the long-term average expected age. It is shown that there exists a
multi-dimensional threshold-based policy that is optimal. We provide the
optimal thresholds with low complexity (e.g., bisection search) for some
portion of the values of the channel parameters. Furthermore, we extend the
study by providing for all of the possible values of the channel parameters. To
obtain the optimal solution requires overcoming some technical challenges,
because super-modularity does not hold over some portion of the state space.
We focus on the canonical
update-through-queue systems (UTQS), study and quantify the impact of 2-way
delay, and aim to design the corresponding optimal age-minimization algorithms.
Specifically, the UTQS model considers a typical scenario that the source node
would like to send an update packet to the destination node. Any computation, control, and communication
delays experienced by the update packets are lumped together as a basic
first-in/first-out queue. The design goal is to adjust the packet injection
times so that the updates at the destination are the freshest in the long run. The simplicity of such a UTQS model makes
it very versatile, with the applications ranging from database update, remote
sensing and estimation, cyber-physical system control, cloud-to-edge computing,
etc., and is widely recognized as one of the most influential models of age
minimization. Existing results generally
fall into two categories: The open-loop setting for which the source is
oblivious of the actual packet departure time, versus the closed-loop setting
for which the decision is based on instantaneous Acknowledgement (ACK) of when
the packet has been served and left the queue. Unfortunately, neither setting
accurately reflects modern networked systems, which almost always rely on
feedback that experiences some delay. Motivated by this observation, we study
the same UTQS model but subject the ACK traffic to an independent queue so that
the closed-loop decision can only be made based on delayed feedback. Near-optimal
schedulers have been devised that successfully quantifies the impact of 2-way
delay on the age minimization problem.
We have focused on the study of optimizing
the tradeoff between data freshness and update cost in a discrete-time
information-update system, aiming to minimize the sum of the staleness cost and
the update cost. We first study the tradeoff between the data freshness and the
update cost by formulating an optimization problem to minimize the sum of the
staleness cost (which is a function of the age-of-information) and the update
cost. Then, we provide two useful guidelines for the design of efficient update
policies. Following these guidelines and assuming that the aggregated request
arrival process is Bernoulli, we prove that there exists a threshold-based
policy that is optimal among all online policies and thus focus on the class of
threshold-based policies. Furthermore, we derive the closed-form formula for
computing the long-term average cost under any threshold-based policy and
obtain the optimal threshold. Finally, we perform extensive simulations using
both synthetic data and real traces to verify our theoretical results and
demonstrate the superior performance of the optimal threshold-based policy
compared with several baseline policies.
Age/quality-based Scheduling for Learning
over MTC networks
Machine learning over MTC networks have been
a driving force for both new machine learning algorithm developments and next
generation network designs, with numerous potential future applications in
autonomous driving, smart agriculture, and next-generation ML-based
communication network solutions. One challenge of distributed network learning
systems is the tradeoff between training speed (how to avoid the straggler) and
the communication and computation resources (how to distribute the tasks
efficiently). In this direction, we focus on the distributed asynchronous
gradient descent problems. We observe that if we use the Age as the proxy of the quality indicator, we can avoid
transmission of low-quality updates and while spending the
communication/computation resources only on the high-quality ones. By
generalizing the above observation, we have developed a new network communication
protocol that directly quantifies the quality of each asynchronous gradient
descent update, which reduces the communication overhead, improves the learning
convergence rates, stability, accuracy, and reduces the corresponding resource
Resource-scheduling for networks with very
large degrees-of-freedom
We considered the resource scheduling
problem for massive MIMO systems with its optimal solution known to be NP-hard.
Massive MIMO systems have a large number of antennas,
and hence the systems have a large number of signaling degrees-of-freedom. This
research was performed in collaboration with researchers from Nvidia.
Inspired by recent achievements in deep
reinforcement learning (DRL) to solve problems with large action sets, we
developed SMART, a dynamic scheduler for massive MIMO based on the
state-of-the-art Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) DRL model and the K-Nearest Neighbors
(KNN) algorithm. Through comprehensive simulations using realistic massive MIMO
channel models as well as real-world datasets from channel measurement
experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model in various
channel conditions. Our results show that our proposed model performs very
close to the optimal proportionally fair (Opt-PF)
scheduler in terms of spectral efficiency and fairness with more than one order
of magnitude lower computational complexity in medium network sizes where Opt-PF is computationally feasible. Our results also show
the feasibility and high performance of our proposed scheduler in networks with
a large number of users and resource blocks.
Broader Impacts
PIs have continuously focused on disseminating the discovery of this project to
international research communities, see the product section below. Wang and
Shroff co-supervised a female PhD student in 2022. Shroff recruited a new
female PhD student who joined in Autumn 2022. Ji has recruited two new female
PhD students who joined in Autumn 2022.
has continuously focused on training undergraduate students and GRAs through
research activities, group seminars, and conference presentations. Wang has
continuously supervised a Purdue-VIP undergraduate research team since fall
2019, with weekly 90-min meetings dedicated to engaging undergraduate students
in graduate-level research on wireless communications.
further promote student engagement, the VIP teams of spring 2022 to spring 2024
continuously participated in the poster presentation of Purdue Undergraduate
Research Conference, an in-person event that have resumed on a semester-basis
after the pandemic in 2020. For each semester, there are more than 300
student-led posters participating in-person for this university-wide event.
Wang also served as one of the judges for the research talks competition
consecutively from spring 2022 to spring 2024, which awarded the top 3
in-person research talks for each of the ten schools of Purdue University.
has supervised five undergraduate students and two high school students to
conduct research. In addition, Ji has actively participated in various
educational and outreach activities organized by Center for the Enhancement of
Engineering Diversity (CEED) at VT, including TechGirls,
Black Engineering Excellence at Virginia Tech (BEE VT), Student Transition to
Engineering Program (STEP), C-Tech^2, and Galipatia
Slush Rush events.
has served as TPC Co-Chair of AoI Workshop 2022,
co-located with IEEE INFOCOM 2022.
co-chaired the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Future Directions
Workshop on Wireless Communications: XG and Beyond. This was a high-profile workshop involving key researchers
across Networking, Photonics, and Electronics intended to provide guidance to
government agencies about strategic investments in XG networks, which include
MTC communications.
Shroff and PI Ji, along with several other colleagues, co-organized the 2024
Artificial Intelligence Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems
(AIMACCS) Workshop, which consists of 13 keynotes, an industry roundtable panel
for students, a Women in AI meeting, and a student poster session, where
students working on this project presented their research results and progress
with AI Edge Institute members and other AIMACCS workshop attendees and
received useful feedback.
The results in the NSF Public Access
Repository will include a comprehensive listing of all journal publications
recorded to date that are associated with this award.
Journal papers:
G. Yao, A.M. Bedewy,
and N. B. Shroff, Age-optimal low-power status update
over time-correlated fading channel, in IEEE
transactions on mobile computing (Early Access), 2022.
J. Pan, A. M. Bedewy,
Y. Sun, and N. B. Shroff, Age-optimal Scheduling over
Hybrid Channels, in IEEE Transactions on Mobile
Computing (Early Access), 2022.
J. Pan, A. M. Bedewy,
Y. Sun, and N. B. Shroff, Optimal Sampling for Data
Freshness: Unreliable Transmissions with Random Two-way Delay,
in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (Early Access), 2022
C. -H. Tsai and C. -C. Wang, "Unifying AoI Minimization and Remote EstimationOptimal
Sensor/Controller Coordination With Random Two-Way
Delay," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 30, no. 1, pp.
229-242, Feb. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2021.3111495.
R. Doost-Mohammady,
L. Zhong and A. Sabharwal, RENEW: A Software-defined
Massive MIMO Wireless Experimentation Platform, ACM GetMobile Mobile Computing and
Computations, 2022.
C.-H. Tsai and C.-C. Wang, Distribution-oblivious
Online Algorithms for Age-of-Information Penalty Minimization
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (Early Access), 2023.
Z. Liu, B. Li, Z. Zheng, T. Hou, and B. Ji, Towards Optimal Tradeoff Between Data Freshness and Update
Cost in Information-update Systems, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal (IoT-J), 2023. (Early access)
S. Kang, A. Eryilmaz,
and N.B Shroff, Remote tracking of distributed dynamic
sources over a random access channel with one-bit
updates, IEEE Trans on Network Science and
Engineering, Jan. 2023.
M. K. C. Shisher,
B. Ji, I.-H. Hou, and Y. Sun, Learning and Communications Co-Design for Remote
Inference Systems: Feature Length Selection and Transmission Scheduling, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT), vol. 4, pp. 524-538,
Q. An, S. Segarra, C. Dick (Nvidia), A.
Sabharwal and R. Doost-Mohammady, A Deep
Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Scheduler for Massive MIMO Networks, pp.
242-257, IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and
Networking, September 2023.
J. Pan, Y. Sun, and N. B. Shroff, Sampling
for Remote Estimation of the Wiener Process over an Unreliable Channel,
Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 52, Issue 1, 2023.
C.-C. Wang, Optimal AoI
for Systems With Queueing Delay in Both Forward and
Backward Directions, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, accepted for
publication. DOI:
Conference papers:
G. Yao, A.M. Bedewy,
and N.B. Shroff, Age-Optimal Low-Power Status Update
over Time-Correlated Fading Channel, in Proceedings of
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 21),
G. Yao, A.M. Bedewy,
and N.B. Shroff, Battle between Rate and Error in
Minimizing Age of Information, in Proceedings of the
Twenty-second Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile
Networks and Mobile Computing (Mobihoc 21), 2021, p. 121-130.
J. Pan, A. M. Bedewy,
Y. Sun, and N. B. Shroff, Minimizing Age of
Information via Scheduling over Heterogeneous Channels,
ACM MobiHoc21, Shanghai, China, July 2021.
J. Pan, A. M. Bedewy,
Y. Sun, and N. B. Shroff, Optimizing Sampling for Data
Freshness: Unreliable Transmissions with Random Two-way Delay,
C.-C. Wang, How
Useful is Delayed Feedback in AoI Minimization - A
Study on Systems With Queues in Both Forward and
Backward Directions, in Proceedings of the IEEE Int'l
Symp. Information Theory (ISIT), Espoo, Finland, June 26
July 1, 2022, 6 pages.
C.-H. Tsai and C.-C. Wang, Jointly
Minimizing AoI Penalty and Network Cost Among
Coexisting Source-Destination Pairs, in Proceedings of
the IEEE Int'l Symp. Information Theory (ISIT), Melbourne, Australia, USA, July
12-20, 2021, virtual conference, 6 pages.
Z. Liu, B. Li, Z. Zheng, Y. T. Hou, and B.
Ji, Towards Optimal Tradeoff Between Data Freshness
and Update Cost in Information-update Systems,
Proceedings of ICCCN 2022, Virtual Event, July 2022.
Z. Liu, K. Zhang, B. Li, Y. Sun, T. Hou, and
B. Ji, Learning-augmented Online Minimization of Age of Information and
Transmission Costs, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2024, Workshop on Age and
Semantics of Information (ASoI), Vancouver, Canada,
May 2024.
J. Pan, Y. Sun, and N. B. Shroff, Sampling
for Remote Estimation of the Wiener Process over an Unreliable Channel, ACM
W.J. Lee and C.-C. Wang, AoI-optimal Scheduling for Arbitrary K-channel
Update-Through-Queue Systems, in Proceedings of the IEEE Int'l Symp.
Information Theory (ISIT), Athens, Greece, 2024, 6 pages.
B. Li, B. Ji, and A. Eryilmaz,
Age-Efficient Scheduling in Communication Networks, in book Age of Information:
Foundations and Applications, Edited by Walid Saad,
Harpreet Dhillon, Nikolaos Pappas, Mohamed A. Abd-Elmagid,
and Bo Zhou, Cambridge University Press, 2023.
A. M. Bedewy, Y.
Sun, S. Kompella, and N. B. Shroff, Sampling and Scheduling for Minimizing Age
of Information of Multiple Sources, Chapter 7, in Age of Information:
Foundations and Applications, ISBN 9781108943321, Cambridge University Press,
The results in the NSF Public Access
Repository will include a comprehensive listing of all journal publications
Graduate Research Assistants &
Research Assistants:
Zhongdong Liu;
Keyuan Zhang;
Won Jun Lee;
Giles Bischoff;
I-Hong Hou (Texas A&M University, USA)
Y. Thomas Hou (Virginia Tech, USA)
Bin Li (University of Rhode Island, USA)
Yin Sun (Auburn University, USA)
Zizhan Zheng (Tulane University, USA)