ECE 301 Signals and Systems

Exam Questions Mapping to Individual Subjects

Quick links: MT1, MT2, MT3, and Finals







2020 MT3

·         Question 1:

o   8.1 (DTFS Synthesis Formula)

o   8.2.2 (Parseval’s Relationship)

·         Question 2:

o   2.2 (Period)

o   6.3 (CTFS)

o   6.4 (CTFS by Inspection)

o   7.1.3 (Linearity of CTFS)

o   6.1 (CT-LTI Frequency Response)

·         Question 3:

o   9.1 (CTFT)

o   9.2 (Sinc function)

o   10.2 (CTFT Multiplication Property)

o   9.4.7 (CTFT Differentiation Property)

o   5.2.1 (Convolution)

·         Question 4:

o   10.4.3 (CTFT Pairs)

o   9.5 (CTFT Convolution Property)

·         Question 5:

o   12.1 (DTFT)

o   12.2.2 (Time-Shift Property of DTFT)

·         Question 6:

o   10.2 (CTFT Multiplication Property)

o   9.1 (CTFT)

o   10.4.3 (CTFT Pairs)

o   11.1.1-11.1.2 (AM Modulation/Demodulation)


2019 MT3

·         Question 1:

o   8.1 (DTFS)

o   8.1.4 (Multiplication Property)

·         Question 2:

o   9.1 (CTFT)

o   9.5 (CTFT Convolution Property)

o   10.2 (Multiplication Property)

o   9.2 (Sinc function)

·         Question 3:

o   6.1 (CT-LTI Frequency Response)

o   9.4.7 (Differentiation Property)

·         Question 4:

o   12.1 (DTFT)

o   12.2.7 (Parseval’s Relation)

·         Question 5:

o   12.1 (DTFT)

o   Table 5.2

·         Question 6:

o   Week 11 Lectures


2018 MT3

·         Question 1:

o   7.3.1 (Differentiation Property of CTFS)

o   7.1 (CTFS)

·         Question 2:

o   8.1 (DTFS)

o   8.3.2 (Convolution Property)

·         Question 3:

o   9.1 (CTFT)

·         Question 4:

o   9.1 (CTFT)

o   9.2 (Sinc function)

o   9.5 (Convolution Property)

o   10.2 (Multiplication Property)

·         Question 5:

o   12.1 (DTFT)

o   Table 5.2

·         Question 6:

o   Week 11 lectures


2017 MT3

·         Question 1:

o   8.1 (DTFS analysis formula)

o   8.1 (DTFS synthesis formula)

o   8.3.2 (Table 3.2 shifting property of DTFS)

·         Question 2:

o   6.1 (Laplace transform)

o   6.4 (CTFS by Inspection)

o   8.3.1 (convolution property)

·         Question 3:

o   9.3 (Generalized Fourier transform for periodic signal)


·         Question 4:

o   Table4.2 (CTFT pair)

o   10.2 (multiplication property)


·         Question 5:

o   12.1 (DTFT analysis equation, geometric series)


·         Question 6:

o   11.1 (AM Modulation/Demodulation)


2016 MT3

·         Question 1:

o   7.4, 8.1 (DTFS Synthesis equation)

o   8.2.2 (Parseval’s Relationship)

o   7.4, 8.1 (Analysis equation)

·         Question 2:

o   1.3 (Discrete-time/continuous-time signal)

o   9.3 (Generalized Fourier transform)

·         Question 3:

o   6.1 (CT-LTI Frequency Response)

·         Question 4:

o   9.3 (Generalized Fourier transform)

o   10.2 (Multiplication property of CTFT)

·         Question 5:

o   12.1 (DTFT analysis equation, geometric series)

·         Question 6:

o   11.1 (AM Modulation/Demodulation)




2015 Fall MT3

·         Question 1:

o   8.1 (DTFS Analysis equation)

o   8.1 (Synthesis equation)

o   8.2.2 (Parseval’s Relationship)


·         Question 2:

o   6.3 (CTFS by Inspection)

o   8.3 (CT-LTI Frequency Response)


·         Question 3:

o   Table 4.2 (CTFT pair)

o   Table 4.1 (conjugate symmetric property)

o   2.2 Periodicity

o   Table 4.1 (Time-Shifting property)

o   2.2 Periodicity


·         Question 4:

o   Table 4.1 and 4.2 (Convolution property and shifting property for CTFT)


·         Question 5:

o   8.1 (AM Modulation/Demodulation)

o   Table 4.2 (FT pair)






2020 Final

·         Question 1:

o   Week 11 Lectures

o   Table 4.2 (sin and sinc functions CTFT pairs)

·         Question 2:

o   9.2 (Sinc function)

o   11.1 (AM modulation)

o   11.2 (AM demodulation)

·         Question 3:

o   13.2 (Sampling Theorem)

o   13.1 (Basic Sampling)

o   13.4 (Linear interpolation method)

o   13.3 (Band-limited interpolation)

·         Question 4:

o   13.2 (Pulse trains)

·         Question 5:

o   5.1 (DT convolution sum)

·         Question 6:

o   Table 4.2 (periodic square wave) & Table 4.1 (time-shift property)


o   6.3 (CTFS) & Table 4.2 (CTFT given FS coefficients)

·         Question 7:

o   14.3 (Z-transform)

o   14.4 (Region of convergence)

·         Question 8:

o   2.2 (Periodic signals)

o   2.3 (Even/Odd Signals)

o   1.4 (Power)

o   5.4 (Classifying LTI systems using h(t)/h[n])


2019 Final

·         Question 1:

o   Week 11 Lectures

o   Table 4.2 (sin, cos, and sinc functions CTFT pairs)

·         Question 2:

o   Table 4.2 (cos and sinc function CTFT pairs)

o   9.2 (Sinc function)

o   11.1 (AM modulation)

o   11.2 (AM demodulation)

·         Question 3:

o   13.2 (Sampling Theorem)

o   13.1 (Basic Sampling)

o   13.4 (ZOH method)

o   13.3 (Band-limited interpolation)

·         Question 4:

o   9.2 (Sinc functions)

o   13.2 (Pulse trains)

·         Question 5:

o   5.2 (CT convolution integral)

o   4.1 (Unit Step & Impulse signals)

·         Question 6:

o   Table 5.2 (DTFT pairs)

o   Table 5.1 (DTFT properties)

o   12.2 (Convolution property of DTFT)

o   12.3 (Multiplication property of DTFT)

·         Question 7:

o   14.3 (Z-transform)

o   14.4 (Region of convergence)

o   14.5 (Connection between Z-transform and DTFT)

·         Question 8:

o   2.2 (Periodic signals)

o   2.3 (Even/Odd Signals)

o   1.4 (Power)

o   5.4 (Classifying LTI systems using h(t)/h[n])


2018 Final

·         Question 1:

o   Week 11 Lectures

o   Table 4.2 (sin and sinc functions CTFT pairs)

·         Question 2:

o   8.1 (DTFS)

o   12.1 (DTFT)

o   Table 5.2 (DTFT given DTFS coefficients)

·         Question 3:

o   13.2 (Sampling Theorem)

o   13.1 (Basic Sampling)

o   13.3 (Band-limited interpolation)

·         Question 4:

o   13.1 (Basic Sampling)

o   13.2 (Sampling Theorem)

o   13.4 (linear interpolation method)

o   5.1 (DT LTI systems)

·         Question 5:

o   5.2 (CT convolution integral)

o   4.1 (Unit Step & Impulse signals)

·         Question 6:

o   Table 4.1 (CTFT properties)

o   9.4 (Differentiation property of CTFT)

o   6.1 (CT-LTI frequency response)

·         Question 7:

o   14.3 (Z-transform)

o   14.4 (Region of convergence)

o   14.5 (Connection between Z-transform and DTFT)

o   8.1 (DTFS)

·         Question 8:

o   2.2 (Periodic signals)

o   2.3 (Even/Odd Signals)

o   1.4 (Power)

o   5.4 (Classifying LTI systems using h(t)/h[n])