Spring 2012 – ECE 695C Inference Methods for Codes on Graphs – Course Descriptions & Policies

Course syllabus, goals, format, office hours, grading, etc. also including the assessment policy, and academic dishonesty policy.

You will learn …

  1. How to achieving the Shannon channel capacity by turbo and LDPC codes,

  2. How to use the state-of-the-art techniques for optimal data compression (source coding),

  3. How to perform non-linear interference cancellation, timing recovery for MIMO or CDMA systems,

  4. Network coding that enhances the multicast throughput, and enables distributed, autonomous network operations,

  5. Signal processing for tree-like Markov models,

  6. And many more, e.g. belief propagation method, density evolution, EXIT chart analysis.

A visual demonstration of modern low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes



Course description: We will focus on the recent development for codes on graph, including the encoder/decoder structures, analysis and design tools for the graph-based error correcting codes, and the emerging techniques of network coding for network communications. It will be explored step-by-step the frontier knowledge about achieving the channel/network capacity with efficient implementation. Many applications of the underlying principles will be discussed, including the LDPC source codes, the linear system detectors, and the turbo systems, and intra-session and intersession network coding.


Recommended references: T. Richardson, R. Urbanke, "Modern Coding Theory" Cambridge University Press 2008, ISBN-10: 0521852293, ISBN-13: 978-0521852296.

MacKay, D.J.C., Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, Cambridge University Press 2002, ISBN-13: 9780521642989 | ISBN-10: 0521642981 (http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/)

R. Yeung, "Information Theory and Network Coding," Springer 2008, ISBN-10: 0387792333, ISBN-13: 978-0387792330




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