Chih-Chun Wang (王之群)

Professor of Elmore Family School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University
IEEE Fellow

Office: MSEE354,                  Office Hours: Please email me for appointment.

Or see my course website for the reserved office hours for the course(s) I teach in each semester.

Phone: +1-765-494-5568

Fax: +1-765-494-3358

Mail address:   Material Science & Electrical Engineering Building

465 Northwestern Avenue

West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2035

My ORCID page.


 [ Resume ]              [ Publications ]                        [ Teaching ]             [Website Maintained by ECE]          [Research Projects]



1/2/2025: There are 3-to-4 Graduate Research Assistantship openings in fall 2025. They are in the following areas

·         Age-of-Information, low-latency network scheduling/optimization.

·         Low-latency coding and multi-hop relay solutions.

·         Integrated communication and sensing (ICAS).

·         Open area: Likely in the intersection of machine learning, sensing, and communications.

11/29/2023: Prof. Chih-Chun Wang will be elevated to IEEE Fellow in January 1, 2024.

11/29/2023: I am looking for graduate research assistance on streaming codes and low latency multi-hop communications, starting in fall 2024.  The research directions will be related to the following papers published by the Ph.D. students of Prof. Wang: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5.

01/28/2020: Chih-Hua Chang’s paper is accepted for publication in ICC.

01/29/2017: I am looking for graduate research assistance on delay-constrained network analysis and protocol design.

08/21/2014: I am looking for graduate research assistance working on two possible projects: Project 1: Capacity characterization of practical network coding (reference 1, reference 2); and Project 2: Real-time network communications. (reference 1, reference 2). For application, please contact me by email and set up an appointment.



Research Interests:

Network coding: Graph-theoretic capacity characterization of inter-session network coding, algorithmic applications of network coding, Shannon capacity characterization of wireless network coding, network coded feedback, and network-coding protocol design and implementation.

Coding Theory: Iterative decoding algorithms, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, multi-phase multi-level codes, soft decoding algorithm for Reed-Solomon codes.

Information and Communication Theory: Multi-user detection using graph-based BP algorithms, dirty paper codes, and network information theory.

Signal Processing: turbo equalization and space time codes.

Control Theory: Optimal stopping theory.



Current Ph.D. students:

Pin-Wen Su (since 2017) working on delay-oriented channel coding.

Wonjun Lee (since 2021) working on delay-oriented control for cyber-physical systems.

Giles Bischoff (since 2021) working on low latency communication systems.


Former Ph.D. students:

Abdallah Khreishah (during 2007-2010, jointly advised with Prof. Ness B. Shroff) Abdallah is currently a professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Newark College of Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Gyu Bum Kyung (during 2006-2011) working on dirty paper coding, and error-prone structure identification of LDPC codes. Dr. Kyung is currently with MediaTek.

Xiaohang Li (during 2007-2013, jointly advised with Prof. Xiaojun Lin) working on scheduling algorithms for time-sensitive network coded traffic. Dr. Li is currently with Google.

Jaemin Han (during 2009-2015) working on network coding (particularly on algebraic or graph-theoretic characterization of intersession network coding.) Dr. Han is currently with Intel.

Wei-Cheng Kuo (during 2009-2015) working on network coding (particularly on 1-hop intersession network coding with side information or with coded feedback.) Dr. Kuo is currently with Apple.

Imad Ahmad (during 2011-2016) working on distributed storage networks with intelligent helper selection. Dr. Ahmad is currently with Meta.

Chih-Hua Chang (during 2015-2021) working on network coding protocol design and analysis. Dr. Chang is currently with Google.

Dennis Ogbe (during 2019-2021, jointly advised with Prof. David Love) working on transcoding for relay networks.  Dr. Ogbe is currently with JPL.

Cho-Hsin Tsai (during 2017-2022) working on delay-oriented networking. Dr. Tsai is currently with MathWorks.

Jia Zhang (during 2015-2022) working on rate-stability tradeoff of cyber physical systems. Dr. Zhang is currently with Samsung.





Other Ph.D. students with whom I work or worked actively:

Sarah Sellke (during 2007-2009) Sarah is currently a continuing lecturer of Department of Statistics, Purdue University.

Dimitrios Koutsonikolas (during 2008-2010) Dimitrios is currently an associate professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department, University at Buffalo.

Donghoon Shin (during 2010-2014). Donghoon is currently with AT&T Labs.


Princeton University, USA, 2002 – 2005,

Ph.D. in Information Sciences and Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering.

Dissertation title: “Side information in bandit problems and low-density parity-check codes for non-symmetric channels." (Thesis pdf)

Dissertation advisors: Prof. H. Vincent Poor and Prof. Sanjeev R. Kulkarni.


Princeton University, USA, 2000 – 2002

M.S. in Information Sciences and Systems, in Electrical Engineering.


National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1995 – 1999

B.E. in Electrical Engineering.