Purdue University
School of Civil Engineering
CE 361 Introduction to Transportation Engineering

Fri. 15 November 2019

Class 3 on Airports -- Runway Configuration, Capacity, and Delay

Instructional Objectives: By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to ...
    Syracuse runway
  1. Explain the relationship between runway orientation and the standard runway numbering system.
  2. Describe the variations on runway configuration.
  3. Explain the relationship between runway configuration and aircraft delay.
Prep: Read Chapter 11, Sections 4 and 5 in FTE.

Courses at Purdue: CE563 (and CE564?)

Theme music:
  • Next Plane to London, The Rose Garden, 1967, 2:28
  • I Just Want to Fly, Sugar Ray, 1997, 4:11
  • Takeoffs and Landings, The Ataris, 2003, 3:54
Schiphol runways
Video: Type "A320 Crosswind Germany" into www.youtube.com, 1:06

Second image at right: Schiphol Airport's Fifth Runway

Outline of Likely Topics
  1. Runway configurations
  2. Runway Capacities for Planning
  3. Runway Delay
  4. Runway Orientation
  5. Wind Data and Wind Rose