To whom it may concern: This directory contains software to segment multispectral or monochrome image data. It uses the SMAP segmentation algorithm to improve segmentation quality by employing spacial context. ************************************************************* WARNING FOR PC USERS: PC's seem to change the name smap-1.5.tar.Z to smap-1.5.tar.tar. This confuses programs like winzip that decompress the file. The solution is to change the extensions ".tar.tar" back to ".tar.Z". An alternative solution is to download the uncompressed file "smap-1.5.tar". ************************************************************* smap-1.6.1.tar smap-1.6.1.tar.Z Is a compressed and tar'ed directory containing the C_code and data to: @ Estimate class model parameters using an unsupervised clustering algorithm. @ Segment a multispectral (or monochrome) images using the SMAP multiscale segmentation algorithm documented in: C. Bouman, M. Shapiro "A Multiscale Model for Bayesian Image Segmentation" IEEE Trans. on Image Processing vol. 3, no. 2, pp 162-177, March 1994. These algorithms are also available in the public domain Geographic Information System, GRASS. In grass they are known as i.msigset and i.smap . images_94_paper.tar images_94_paper.tar.Z This is a compressed and tarred directory containing the test images used in the paper: C. Bouman, M. Shapiro "A Multiscale Model for Bayesian Image Segmentation" IEEE Trans. on Image Processing vol. 3, no. 2, pp 162-177, March 1994. This data is useful because it has been used by a number of authors to compare algorithms. images_91_paper.tar images_91_paper.tar.Z This is a compressed and tarred directory containing the test images used in the paper: C. Bouman, B. Lui, "Multiresolution Segmentation of Textured Images," IEEE Trans. PAMI vol. 13, no. 2, pp 99-113, Feb. 1991. For more information contact: Charles A. Bouman School of Electrical Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette IN 47906