HAADF-STEM Tomography
HAADF-STEM tomography is widely used in the physical sciences for 3-D reconstructions because it is not effected by the dynamical diffraction effects seen in BF-ET. Since the data comes from a limited-tilt acquisition, analytical methods like FBP and iterative method like SIRT can result in reconstructions with noise and streak artifacts.
In this work, we propose an MBIR method for HAADF-STEM tomography that can result in significant improvements in reconstruction quality.
Further, it can also account for missing calibration parameters that are associated with the measurement.
For details see
S.V. Venkatakrishnan, L.F. Drummy, M. Jackson, M. De Graef, J.P. Simmons, and C.A. Bouman, "A Model Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for High Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (HAADF-STEM) Tomography," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol 22, Issue 11 (Nov 2013).
C++ Based Software (with GUI)
Main features
- Automatic initialization of parameters
- Reconstruct the volume at various voxels sizes
- Multi-threaded code using Intel TBB
Software Download
YouTube application tutorials:
Software supports aligned input files stored in
FEI mrc format
New [4/20/2014] : Added support for non-FEI MRC. See this very short
video tutorial.
Warning: We are currently working on updating the software to support the newest FEI file format standard,
but currently it does not work.
The new standard is defined
FEI MRC/CCP4 file format
Software Source Code
All code is available from the Git Repository server. (Master branch)
OpenMBIR links: Web Page
and Link to OpenMBIR Github repositories and