ArcGIS - Purdue has a site license for ESRI's ArcGIS product. The software package can be downloaded on any campus desktop computer. ArcGIS is also available on a Windows cluster.

ERDAS Imagine - "ERDAS IMAGINE is the foremost imagery software package, used throughout the geospatial community. Designed for image processing, its easy-to-learn, easy-to-use and comprehensive collection of tools will help you create, manage and analyze accurate base imagery that enhances all your geospatial information." — erdas brochure

ITT ENVI - "The ENVI product family provides a variety of software solutions for processing and analyzing geospatial imagery used by scientists, researchers, image analysts, and GIS professionals around the world." - ENVI website

eCognition - "eCognition is the most advanced image analysis software for geospatial applications" - eCognition website

Purdue MultiSpec. MultiSpec is a freeware package developed at Purdue University. The sofware provides basic pattern recongition tools for remote sensing analysis.