CE69700 Exploitation of Spaceborne Imaging Systems '11
Purdue University - School of Civil Engineering
last update 15 jan, '11
- Instructor
- Jim Bethel, CIVL 4109, Tel: (765) 494-6719,
Email: bethel@ecn.purdue.edu, Web: http://cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/~bethel,
- Text
- Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry, Mikhail,..., available at
area bookstores (University Bookstore, 765-743-9618, Follett's, 743-4616), also at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, etc.)
- Class
- MWF 10:30 CIVL 2118
- Office Hours
- come by office anytime, or make appointment, or email.
- Grading
- Midterm Exam 37.5%, Final Project 37.5%, Homework 25%,
you may bring 1 (letter size) crib sheet to the exam.
- Homework
- Hand in your own work. Discussion with others is encouraged
but the work that you hand in must be your own.
- Programming
- you will need to learn Matlab (interactive & program mode),
matlab student edition lets you work unconnected to internet.
matlab with all toolboxes available via "software remote",
http://goremote.ics.purdue.edu, with purdue login
- Application Software
- Photoshop, Erdas Imagine & Leica Photogrammetry Suite, ArcGIS
are available via "software remote"
- Notes & materials from prior classes
- You may look on my web page for prior years "CE603 Photogrammetry II"
for notes, homeworks, exams, etc. subject matter not exactly same every year.
- Data Access
- I will provide any necessary data either either from web site link
or from anonymous ftp site: ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/bethel