CE597 (019) Digital Photogrammetric Systems '08

Purdue University - School of Civil Engineering

last update 24 August '08

Jim Bethel, CIVL 4109, Tel: (765) 494-6719, Email: bethel@ecn.purdue.edu, Web: http://cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/~bethel, CRN=12956
Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry, Mikhail,..., available at area bookstores (University Bookstore, 765-743-9618, Follett's, 743-4616), also at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, etc.)
On Campus Class
Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30am, CIVL 1266
Office Hours
come by office anytime, or make appointment, phone, email.
Teaching Assistant
Midterm Exam 38%, Final Exam 38%, Homework 24%, you may bring 1 (letter size) crib sheet to the exams.
Hand in your own work. Discussion with others is encouraged but the work that you hand in must be your own.
you will need to learn Matlab (interactive & program mode), matlab student edition lets you work untethered to internet. matlab with all toolboxes available via "software remote", http://goremote.ics.purdue.edu
Application Software
Photoshop, Erdas Imagine & Leica Photogrammetry Suite, ArcGIS all available via "software remote"
Notes & materials from prior classes
You may look on my web page for prior years "CE503 Photogrammetry I" for notes, homeworks, exams, etc. subject matter not exactly same every year.
Data Access
I will provide a folder for access to image data. I need to have your login in order to gain access. please provide.