CE 597 ADjustment of Geospatial Observations Spr '11

Purdue University - School of Civil Engineering

last update 21-jan-11

Jim Bethel, CIVL 4109, Tel: 494-6719, Email: bethel@ecn.purdue.edu
Primary Text
Auxilliary Reading
Splitting the Second, The Story of Atomic Time by Tony Jones, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2000
Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS, by Strang and Borre, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1997
GPS Satellite Surveying, by Leick, Wiley 2004
Numerical & Graphics Software (highly recommended)
Matlab Student Version, Matlab is available on all ITAP & ECN machines but with this you can work on your own machine untethered to the internet.
ITAP "DACS/Software Remote" also works from anywhere, but requires fast internet.
MWF 1:30 civl 2102
Office hours
any time is ok, ask early about assignments, not at last minute.
Grader / TA
1 Midterm Exam 37.5%, Final Project 37.5%, Homework 25%, 1 page of notes allowed for exams
collaboration OK on concepts, but hand in your own work
you will need to become familiar with Matlab, later in the term we may do a GUI application
Web Address
http://cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/~bethel, follow link for fall, 2008
note: prior years' sites are there, use for reference and help.
Topics generally the same, maybe different order, different emphasis. homeworks and exams will be different.