CE 603 Homework 1 Passpoint Selection and Measurement
- individual assignments: row 1: chivoiu, row 2 corsetti,
row 3: fu & gungor, row 4: puatana & raj, row 5: song,
row 6: wonnacott
- select passpoints in the pattern described in the course
notes. they should be well defined (when zoomed in for measurement),
and, ideally, in the "open", away from obstruction. you want an
ideal point in an ideal location. if you cannot have both, then
it is better to move away from the desired location, and still
have a good point. if you cannot find a point anywhere near the
desired location, then forget that one! (i.e. water bodies
are famous places to avoid for pass points)
- make a report with the following entry for each point:
point name (follow convention), photos on which it can be found,
a zoomed in image patch showing point in detail (from one
full-res image), a text description of the point.
- a set of hardcopy prints will be kept in room g144. use the
red marker to mark a circle around each occurrence of the point.
- measure the pixel coordinates of the points (using photoshop,
for example). create one text file with one line per measurement,
"point_name photo_name row column". use "ph1_4" for photo names,
and "p2_6" for passpoint names.
- due friday 24 january. hand in the report. email me the
- data is found on \\geomatics\data\bethel\ce603. there are
two directories: block and blocksm. block contains the full-res
images (appx 180Mb per image), blocksm contains a downsampled
version (1 Mb each) of the photos. note: from a pucc/itap machine
you may need full pathname for the share:
\\geomatics.ecn.purdue.edu\data\bethel, and for login you
need ECN\login.
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