CE 503 Homework Fall 2002
- Homework #1 - assigned 28 august, due 1 week
- zipped image file for homework #1
- homework #2. get the unannotated image file for the oblique photo
of the engineering mall (emall.raw and emall.tif, w1035xh750), and sample
rectification programs in c and matlab (rec8m.c and hw01.m)
homework #2 .zip file and produce a
rectified image covering the mall area at GSD=0.1m. get the result image
into .tif format, and create an arcview world file (.tfw: GSD,0,0,-GSD,
ULE,ULN). turn in three items: (1) listing of your program, (2) an image
map composed in arcview with
annotated grid and title block, etc. and (3) your rectified digital image
and associated world file (.tif,.tfw). hand in hardcopy of program,
harcopy of image map on (A4/8.5x11) and send digital version of your
rectified image (.tif) and associated world file (.tfw) either by
email or CD-R. due wednesday in two weeks (18-sep-02)
- homework #3. (a) estimate rotations and extract angles for the 4 postcard
images. (b) estimate and refine camera position and orientation matrix for
the given DEM wireframe, by projecting into simulated photograph. try to
match the given view. do this by editing and running the program drwtin.m.
see graphics and instructions in homework 3 description
(.pdf 2Mb). get the matlab file and the TIN file from
files (.zip 63kb) due wednesday, 9 october.
solution for homework #3. (.pdf 4Mb).
- homework #4. map compilation / feature & terrain extraction.
assignment description (.pdf) assigned friday, 25 october,
due in 3 weeks, intermediate plots due on fridays until final due date.
see this FAQ for homework 4 dialogue
- homework #5. DLT and space resection.
assignment description (.pdf) assigned friday,
1 november, due wednesday, 20 november.
matlab programs and image file (.zip 7Mb)
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