CE 503 Homework 3 Help

here is an outline of steps to compile and run
your "rec8m.c" program using microsoft visual studio
.net as found on purdue's itap machines. it is a little
different for the ecn machines (as in civl 1212).

prior to this you should have converted the image file (.tif)
to a raw binary (.raw). also prior to this you may edit the
c-program file to enter the parameters and constants from your
earlier computations. you may do this with "notepad" for example.
or you may edit as shown below prior to compiling and running.

=== steps to compile c-program into executable (for .net) =======

start menu
  - all programs
    - standard software
      - compilers
        - ms visual studio.net
          - ms visual studio.net

big dialogue window named "ms development environment ..."
  - select the "new" option for new project

new dialogue window to select project type
  - make sure "vc++" is selected on the left panel
  - make sure "win32" is selected on the right panel
  enter a folder name for the project

new dialogue window called "win32 application wizard"
  - select console application
  - select empty project

ok, now the "project" is setup, we need to add the c-program file

  - add existing item
    - use browse tool to locate the file

the file should appear in the tree diagram on the right
double click the filename to bring up file in edit window

change all of the parameters and constants to match your
results from step 1 & step 2. make sure that the pathnames
and filenames in the "fopen" statements have double back-slashes:
"d:\\my stuff\\ce503\\image.raw
if you have already made these edits, then proceed.

  - build 

  - start (without debug)

the program should now run in a console window with text dialogue.
use photoshop to convert the .raw format to a .tif format and
continue with the assignment.