IEEE Computer Society

Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC)

Tutorials and Education Group (TEG)

Test Technology Educational Program (TTEP)
General Information

The Tutorials & Education Group of the IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Council
(TTTC) organizes annualy since 1999 a comprehensive set of Test Technology Tutorials to be held
in conjunction with TTTC sponsored technical meetings. The tutorials are part of the successful annual
Test Technology Educational Program. TTEP is intended to serve both test and design professionals
by offering fundamental education and expert knowledge in state-of-the-art test technology topics and
also the opportunity to earn official certification from IEEE TTTC.

In addition to the tutorials, certified university courses and industrial seminars related to test technology
can also be included in TTEP and the participation in these credited similar to TTEP tutorials. For exact
information on TTEP certification proposals to include your university course or industrial seminar in the
TTEP program, please contact the Vice Chair (Program)
Dimitris Gizopoulos.

TTEP accomodates a wide range of areas, from mature test topics of high interest to industrial test
engineers to emerging test topics with emphasis on novelty. Topics of interest include
(but are not limited to):

All tutorials qualify for credit towards IEEE TTTC certification under the TTEP program. Each tutorial
requires a separate registration fee. Attendees of tutorials receive study material, handouts, breakfast,
lunch, and coffee breaks. The study material includes copies of the presentation and bibliographical
material, and, when applicable, a relevant textbook (textbooks are provided to attendees who register
at IEEE/CS member or non-member rates). 

TTTC Home Page
Computer Society Home Page
IEEE Home Page