ECE Thesis Format/Deposit - checklist

    Required steps checklist
    Diagram of the submission process
    [] email a DRAFT pdf of thesis to school's thesis format advisor (see formatting requirements below)
       2 weeks before final exam, or as soon as possible
    [] take final exam and get advisor and committee members signatures on Grad School Thesis Acceptance Form 9
    [] Schedule an appointment to get your form 9 signed - I should have already approved your format by email.
        - Make appointment and get Head's signature on Form 9 - take along a copy of abstract page
              call 43539 or email Karen Jurss to schedule an appointment
        - Take signed Form 9 to ECE Grad Office and they will email you the appropriate e-forms
        	 + If thesis is confidential get signature in ECE grad office  on Request for Confidentiality form (GS Form 15)
        - Use Adobe Acrobat Pro to put the e-forms on the front of the front of the pdf of your thesis
           * be sure to embed fonts in your pdf file for Proquest/UMI submission 
        - Do electronic submission to UMI - Electronic Thesis Deposit (ETD)  see line for "Thesis Deposit Timelines and Instructions"
        - Set up meeting at Thesis office at Grad School and turn in deposit copy
                 submit final pdf to UMI  24 hrs ahead of appointment to allow time for review
    [] Thesis Deposit and final format check