From: Bridget Hand Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2004 3:05 PM To: GT Listserve Cc: Subject: [Gtstate] Frankenstein Good Afternoon! I thought some of you may find this interesting: In speaking with Ron Blake (Highland) earlier this week - he advised me that he came across the novel, "Frankenstein: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic". This paperback has the story written on one side of the page while the facing page has accompaning SAT Vocabulary Words - including pronunciation, definition, etc. of each word. I had to pick up a copy at Borders (where Mr. Blake said he got his copy) - the cost was $6.99. The book identifies another such book: "The Ring of McCallister: A Score-Raising Mystery Featuring 1,046 Must-Know SAT Vocabulary Words" - by Robert Marantz and the cost of this book is $13.00 on the Borders website The book also announces that coming in January 2005 will be "Wuthering Heights: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic". Enjoy the rest of your day, Bridget
 Bridget Hand
 Education Consultant
 Indiana Department of Education
 Division of Exceptional Learners