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Challenge Parents Group
The main objective of the Challenge Parents Group is to be a partner in the success of the Lafayette School Corporation Challenge Program and our students. Through the use of individual parent volunteers and special committees, we will facilitate the communication among Challenge Parents, and between Challenge Parents and...
    - Challenge Program Administrators, Teachers, and Students
    - LSC Board, Administration, Teachers, Parents, and Students
    - Community Resources
    - Legislative Organizations
Chair 1999-05 - Andy Hughes

Meetings - These meeting will be held annually in order to give Challenge parents a regular mechanism where they can interact with other parents in the group.
    Dessert Social

    Skating Party fund raiser

    Issues affecting the program

    TENATIVE (if needed) - Written questions, concerns and comments about program, with a meeting to respond


  • FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions by Challenge Parents and those considering the Challenge Program for their child.

  • To get on an email list to receive notices about upcoming meetings and other Challenge Program information, email
    To the Challenge Program home page. | To the LSC home page.