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Newsletter - September 1999 - Issue 1
Dear Parents of Challenge and Honor Program Students,

Welcome back! As we start this year I am excited to welcome new students and staff to the Challenge Program. At the elementary level, our incoming second graders and in grades 3-5, several students are new to the Challenge Program. We are pleased to have the students and parents involved. There is a listing of new staff Grades 2-12 in the FYI column.

The Challenge Program Parents' Group has selected dates for activities and programs for the year (dates are listed in FYI). Please mark the calendar to attend. Thanks to Mr. Andy Hughes, our web master and chairperson for the Parents' Group, up to date information can be found on the LSC web page www

As in the past, a Broad Based Planning Team will meet three times during the year. All parents, teachers, and administrators are invited to participate. This is an opportunity for open discussion about issues important to the Challenge Program. Please check FYI for the dates. All meetings for the BBPT will be at the Hiatt Administration Center in the Superintendent's Conference Room. Please let me know if you would like to participate.

Again, I am excited to begin another year as seniors sift through the college information and first graders learn to read. Please call me at Edgelea, (449-3660) if you have any questions.


Dr. Vicki Vaughn
Challenge Program Coordinator


New Challenge/Honors Teachers:

at Edgelea

   Grade 2          Mrs. Carol Wood 
   Grade 3          Mrs. Patti Wann 
   Grade 4          Mrs. Chris Ryba (new  grade level)
at Tecumseh in Science
   Grade 6          Ms. Kathy Kaczaja
   Grade 8          Ms. Melissa George
at Jeff in English
   Grade 12         Ms. Rachel Stohler     
We welcome these teachers and support their efforts in meeting the needs of our students


ISTEP- Grades 3, 6, 8&10- Testing Sept.15-Oct. 1, (no testing 9/20).

Challenge Program Parents' Group

On September 9th the Challenge Parents' Group sponsored a dessert for Gr. 1 Cluster, Gr. 2-5 students and parents. Over one hundred students and parents shared desserts and visited with classmates and their families.

November 10, Wednesday, at Edgelea, Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Presentation and discussion by Jan Adams-Byers, Gifted Education Resource Institute, Purdue University.

January 20, 2000, Thursday, at Edgelea, Questions and concerns for the Challenge Program. Time and place to be announced.

May 18, 2000, Thursday, at Edgelea, gym, 6:30-7:30 p.m. "Transition" meeting for K to Gr. 1 Cluster, Gr. 1 to Gr.2 self-contained classroom and Gr. 5 to Middle School.

Broad Based Planning Team Meeting Dates: (Hiatt Adm. Center, Superintendent's Conf. Rm.)

October 13, Wednesday, at 3:45 p.m.
January 26, Wednesday, at 3:45 p.m.
April 19, Wednesday, at 3:45 p.m.

Your participation is greatly appreciated.

At Jeff:

On September 13th Michael Philpy, sophomore at Dartmouth and Jan Philpy from Shared Information Services at Purdue University, presented "Choosing the Right College--Finding the Right Fit". Approximately 120 parents gathered information and insight into this great adventure, "the college search." For additional information contact : Denise Booher-Walker, Jeff H.S.Challenge Coordinator, 449-3400, or e-mail, dbwalker

High School Testing dates for 1st semester:

SAT site is Jeff High School

   Test date     Registration Deadline
    Oct   9           Sept. 14
    Nov.  6           Oct. 6
    Dec.  4           Oct. 29
    Jan. 22           Dec. 17
PSAT- Qualifying test for National Merit Scholarships- October 12, a.m. at Jeff

ACT- Test date is Oct. 23, deadline to register is Sept. 17.

National Merit Semi Finalists

Our heartiest congratulations to the following Jeff students and their parents:

    Cassandra Borges

    Michael Foland

    Jonathan Fulkerson

    Kevin Philpy

    Eve Wohlert

The thrill of this achievement is only surpassed by the potential you hold for future successes. We also congratulate the teachers in the Lafayette School Corporation that have supported and encouraged these students throughout their educational experiences.