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Newsletter - September 1998 - Issue 1
Dear Parents of Challenge and Honor Program Students,

Welcome back! There are changes in the Challenge Program as we begin this academic year. Edgelea Elementary School is now the site for self-contained classes in Grades 2,3,4 and one section of Grade 5. Another section of Grade 5 is at Vinton for this year. My principalship and office for the Challenge Program are also at Edgelea. Although these logistical changes were made, our effort and commitment to meet the needs of your students continues as in the past.

We would like to express our appreciation to the patient parents and LSC Transportation Department for their help in establishing the new bus routes and all that entails to get our students from all parts of the corporation to Edgelea. Your help, understanding, and flexibility made it possible to overcome the problems of relocation.

Last year the Challenge Program Parents Group was established. The main objective of CPPG is to be a partner in the success of the LSC Challenge Program and our students. Mr. Mike Nolan heads the Steering Committee. A complete listing of new Steering Committee members will be in the winter newsletter. Please feel free to contact Mike if you have any questions concerning the parentsÕ group or if you are interested in serving on one of the committees.

The LSC Broad Based Planning Team will be reconvening this year as required by our state grant. The BBPT is an opportunity to for administrators, teachers, and interested parents to discuss program issues. Your interest will be greatly appreciated.

We are looking forward to another exciting year. If you have any questions, please call us at Edgelea, 449-3660.


Dr. Vicki Vaughn
Challenge Program Coordinator

Mrs. Barb Knott
Assistant Program Coordinator


Teachers new to the Challenge / Honors Program for 1998-99 are:

Christina Ryba, Gr. 5 at Vinton,
Tom Houston, Honors English, Gr. 12 and
Denise Walker Honors English, Gr. 9.

We welcome these teachers and support their efforts to meet the needs of the students in the Program.

High School and Middle School Students Interested in Testing

Dates for 1st semester :

SAT: site is Jeff High School

Test Date              Registration Deadline

October 10 September 15 November 7 October 2 December 5 October 30 January 23 December 18

ACT: site is Jeff High School
October 24             September 21
June 12, 1999          NA

National Association for Gifted Children

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Convention is in Louisville, Kentucky, from November 11-15, 1998. This annual convention provides an enormous array of renown speakers in a few days. If interested, please call Edgelea,449-3660, for more information.

Broad Based Planning Team is scheduled to meet October 27, 1998, Tuesday at the Hiatt Administration Center in the SuperintendentÕs Conference Room at 3:45 p.m. Parents, teachers, and administrators will meet to identify and discuss issues that confront the Challenge Program. All parents and teachers of students in the Challenge Program in Grades 1-8 or Honor classes at Jeff are invited to attend. Please give Barb Knott at 449-3660 to RSVP. Your attendance will be greatly appreciated.


Our congratulations to Jesse Janowiak of Jeff High School recently named a National Merit Semi-Finalist. Congratulations to his parents Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Janowiak and to the teachers in the Lafayette School Corporation that have had the opportunity to work with Jesse through his educational experience. We are proud of you !!!!!

Elementary Spell Bowl-

November 19, Thursday, at Edgelea Elementary School.

Nothing happens unless

first a dream-

Carl Sandberg

Challenge Program Parents Group

Mike Nolan, Steering Committee Chairperson

Dessert Pot-Luck

A Dessert Pot-Luck was held at Edgelea Elementary School on September 24, 1998, for all family members of Elementary Challenge students. This gathering allowed parents to meet other parents of students they had only "heard about" so early in the year. Over 125 students, parents and teachers shared desserts and visited.

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