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Newsletter - April 2003 - Issue 2
Dear Parents of Challenge and Honor Program Students,

April 2002

Dear Parents of Challenge Students:

I am sure most of you have been reading the newspaper and watching the news for the daily reports of the cuts in educational funding. The latest information I have received from the Indiana Department of Education states that grant funding for gifted and talented will be cut by 15% for next year. The Lafayette School Corporation typically receives over $27,000 in grant monies each year. These monies are used for the program assistantıs salary, materials for the Challenge classes, and professional development. A fifteen percent cut will impact our program, however, we have always depended upon the Lafayette School Corporation for the major funding for our program.

School corporations will be receiving less money from the state. This is a grave concern for all of the programs that set the Lafayette School Corporation apart from other school districts: diverse course offerings at the high school, leveled self-contained classes for the gifted and talented, and full day kindergarten classes for many English Language Learner students to name a few.

What can you do to help? On the May 7th primary election, the Lafayette School Corporation will propose a referendum question that will allow the corporation to move funding from Capital Projects, Transportation, and Debt Service Funds to the General Fund. The question asks if you agree to ³impose a property tax rate that does not exceed fourteen and eighty-five hundredths cents ($.1485) on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation and that is in addition to the school corporationıs normal tax rate.² YES or NO. By voting yes, you will make it possible to keep many of the programs that make LSC an outstanding place to educate children.

Support gifted education in LSC! Vote ³yes² on May 7th!!!


Dr. Vicki L. Vaughn, Challenge Coordinator


Challenge Program information: Broad Based Planning Team meeting is rescheduled for Thursday, April 18 at 3:30 pm in the Superintendentıs Conference Room at Hiatt Administration Center. Program evaluation will be the focus for this meeting. All parents, teachers and administrators are invited to attend.

High School Information:
	SAT testing dates/ deadlines:
Test Date:			Deadline Date:
June 2				April 27
	ACT testing dates/ deadlines:
Test Date:			Deadline Date:
June 9				May 14			

All dates are on a Saturday and all tests will be administered at Jeff High School. If you have questions or need information contact Mrs. Denise Walker, Challenge Building Coordinator, or the guidance Department at 772-4700.

Elementary Information:

On May 22, 2002, Wednesday, the Challenge Program Parentsı Group will host a Transition Night for parents of students presently being screened for Grade 1 Cluster, Grade 2 self-contained and Grade 6 Middle School. Teachers and counselors will be available to answer questions you have about the Challenge Program or the screening process. The program will be at Edgelea Elementary School (the corner of Beck Lane and 18th Street) at 6:30 p.m.

Honors and Accolades for the Class of 2002 The Academic Recognition Banquet is scheduled for May 1, 2002. Congratulations to the 46 Seniors, teachers and parents that will be honored. These 46 Seniors have completed their high school career with a 3.75 GPA or better. We wish you continued success. On May 22, 2002, in the Jeff Auditorium, students in grades 9-12 will be recognized for attendance, academics and citizenship. Many of these students have participated in one or more of the classes offered by the Challenge Program. We offer our congratulations to the recipients of these awards and to the parents for their support. Top 10 Seniors / Class of 2002

  1. Mallery M. Skelton 
  2. Lauren C. Eller	     
  3. Andrew T. Templin  
  4. Lisa  A. Cupp
  5. Erika I. Simmermann                        
  6. Daniel J. DeMay  
  6. Grant T. Yost
  8. Adam J. Rudolph	
  8. Erin J. Van Horn
 10. Benjamin C. Beranek
 10. Sarah J Hollis	
2002 Our congratulation to these exceptional students, their parents and the teachers that have supported them in this endeavor. We wish you continued success as you continue your education. We are so very proud of your accomplishments. Please keep in touch!

We have several new books and videos in the Challenge office at Edgelea. You are welcome to check these out:

	Some of My Best Friends Are Books   
	Smart Girls
	Smart Boys
	Helping Gifted Children SOAR
	Parenting Successful Children*
	Is My Child Gifted?*
	Do Gifted Children Need Special Help?*