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Newsletter - September 1997 - Issue 1
Dear Parents of Challenge and Honor Program Students,

The 1997-98 school year is underway! Hopefully you received the Lafayette School Corporation calendar and have noted that on Tuesday, September 30, 1997, at 7:00 p.m., at Hiatt Administration Center, a parents' meeting is scheduled. This meeting is open to all parents and community members who have an interest in the Challenge Program in the Lafayette School Corporation. At the meeting discussion will be open to ideas, suggestions and information about what direction we as parents and supporters of the Challenge Program may wish to investigate and pursue in the upcoming year. Some items to consider: Mission and organization of the support group; representation and interests of group for the upcoming Task Force; topics for possible in service programs or speakers, information that could be investigated or gathered.

Parents have students at various stages in the educational experience and will have a wide variety of concerns that are presently of interest to you. We hope to meet those needs but at the same time try to gain some perspective, knowledge and support from those who have already been there. Please feel free to call Vinton, 449-3860, with any ideas you may have to implement and drive our group to its potential. I sincerely look forward to working with you in this endeavor.


    Dr. Vicki Vaughn

- FYI -

Congratulations to Michael Philpy, a senior at Jeff High School. Michael was recently named an area National Merit semi finalist. Congratulations also to Jan and Gary Philpy, Michael's parents, and all the teachers along the way that have been part of Michael's educational experience. Michael participated in the Challenge Program at Vinton, Sunnyside and Jeff.

Phillip Mayor, a senior at West Lafayette, was also named a National Merit semi finalist. Phillip was a classmate with Michael at Vinton before moving to West Lafayette.

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."

- Vince Lombardi

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