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Program Arrangements

K-12 Challenge Program
The original curriculum written and implemented in the Challenge Program is based on the Model developed by Irving Sato of the National/State Leadership Training Institute for Gifted/Talented. Curriculum is differentiated in content, processes, and or product, and is extended from the LSC grade level curriculum. The curriculim is enriched and accelerated.

Individual Challenge Plans
K-12 Individual Challenge Plans (I.C.P.) may be implemented in any discipline. I.C.P.s are written by teacher, building level coordinator, counselors or other staff; approved by parent, student, and program coordinator. An I.C.P. may be used for short term projects or long term plans of study, including several program options, including summer independent work.

Grade One Cluster Groups
In each elementary building, identified first grade students are assigned to a teacher who is responsible for their educational program, including providing for acceleration and enrichment. Teachers of these first grade cluster groups work with the language language arts, science, and mathematics Challenge curriculum development committees and the program coordinator to develop appropriate activities and strategies for these very able learners. Process skills in the area of critical and creative thinking and independent inquiry are developed and practiced. Teachers have opportunities to receive additional training in educating highly able students, and to share in the planning and decision-making for this part of the Challenge Program.

At the end of the school year, further assessment is required to determine each student's need for placement in a second grade full-time Challenge classroom.

Grades Two Through Five
Beginning at grade two and continuing through grade five, any student who qualifies may enroll in full-time Challenge classes at Edgelea Elementary School. Transportation to this site is provided using existing bus routes.

Differentiated language arts, social studies and science curriculum and continuous progress in math and reading and appropriate enrichment are taught by teachers who are expected to complete the graduate courses required for the Indiana endorsement in gifted education. An Individual Challenge Plan (I.C.P.) may be used as needed in any talent area, grades K-12.

Visual Arts
Challenge Art classes are available for identified students in grades 6-12 in the summer.

Honors Classes (Challenge Classes)
Grades 6-12 language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and visual art Challenge classes are available to identified students. Students who successfully participate in grades 6-8 Challenge classes will likely continue in selected Challenge/honors and Advanced Placement classes at the high school. Articulation is addressed through the Challenge Program's curriculum framework.

Science research class involving mentoring relationships with university science professors and community- based engineers is available for grades 9-12. Advanced Placement (AP) classes, grade eight honors algebra, foreign language on an individual basis, and Individual Challenge Plans offer opportunities for acceleration. A high school advanced drama workshop is available during the spring semester. The visual arts Challenge Program may involve individual portfolio development plans and/or individual talent development plans. Differentiation through acceleration is addressed in the framework.

Compacted Curriculum
Most honors classes are somewhat compacted; all are differentiated from regular curriculum. Compacting is available in grades K-12 through the use of I.C.P.s in any content area.

Mini-courses and pull-out options
Short courses for artistically talented middle school students may be offered for grades six, seven and eight. Art teachers develop extended, in-depth curriculum. Pull-out art mini courses are offered in some of the elementary schools.

Mentorships/internships are available as needed at the high school in conjunction with the science research class, visual arts, foreign language, and other disciplines by arrangement of an I.C.P. with a counselor, teacher, student, parents and mentor.

Elementary counselors and the program coordinator and assistant coordinator administer tests during the annual screening and placement process. Middle and high school counselors provide guidance and career counseling. One counselor also coordinates screening within the high school.

Waivers granted by State Rule 511 allow flexibility to implement various program options.

Summer School
Summer school visual art Challenge classes are offered for artistically talented students at both middle schools and for high school students. The high school class offers credit.

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