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Program Purpose

The ultimate test of any educational program is its success in encouraging and enabling each individual to achieve his/her full potential. Although the grade level curriculum meets the needs of most students, some very highly able students need curricular changes that enable them to achieve at the appropriate pace and level. The Lafayette School Corporation is committed to the development of appropriate curriculum and instruction for academically and/or artistically gifted/talented students, through which they further develop their skills and attitudes that lead to a life of learning, self-development, and service to society.

Curriculum and program arrangements are based on a consideration of characteristics and needs of gifted/talented children. Addressing the concerns of students, parents, educators, and community, the program offers grade one through twelve continuity, provides for peer interaction, and develops student responsibility for learning. Challenge curriculum is conceptual in content, provides for sequential development and application of critical thinking skills, and incorporates LSC and Indiana basic proficiencies.

Mission Statement

Program Goals

Program Arrangements


Program Related Information

Upcoming Events

Mon Feb 11, 2008 - FREE transporation and Presentation at IAG conference
The Challenge Program has chartered an Imperial bus to take parents to the free presentation by Dr. Sylvia Rimm at the annual Indiana Association for the Gifted Conference on February 11th. The bus will leave the Edgelea parking lot at 5:45 p.m. and return about 10:00 p.m. this is free of charge. The bus will seat 47. Please call Barb Knott at 772-4780 for a reserved seat.

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