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How is it determined if my child will be in the Challenge Program?

Information about this is explained in the page on placement.

My child is in a first grade cluster group. What kind of testing will be done regarding the Challenge Program?

When children are accepted into a "cluster" grouping, they participate in achievement testing in the spring with all first grade students in Lafayette. Additionally, students will be given some form of intelligence test, most often the Slosson Intelligence Test or the Otis Lennon School Abilities Test. If additional information is needed, the Slosson Oral Reading Test might also be administered.

When parents sign the permission form for their child to participate in the cluster group, they also sign permission for their children to receive additional testing if needed.

When will I know if my child has been accepted in the Challenge Program?

In order to place children in the Challenge Program, data must be gathered. Data include grade level test scores, individual test scores, and parent and teacher rating sheets which describe the student(s). The testing information is not available generally until the first week in May. The additional information must be compiled for each individual student and a committee comprised of the Challenge Coordinator, teachers, and administrators must meet to determine placement. Usually, it is middle to late June before all of these tasks can be accomplished. As soon as the students are identified, parents will be notified. The notification usually happens during the latter part of June or first week in July. This timeline is very much dependent upon the return of test scores from the testing company and parents returning permission slips for additional testing and behavior checklists promptly.

When my child is accepted in the Challenge Program and needs to move to an LSC school with a Challenge Program, what is involved and how are they introduced to the new school?

When children are accepted into the Challenge Program, parents should call the principal of the school and arrange a time to visit the school. Many Challenge teachers, especially those in grade two, arrange for an "Open Visitation" before school begins in order for students to feel more comfortable.

Can I visit a Challenge class to see what it is like?

The Challenge Coordinator is willing to meet with parents and students and give them a tour of Edgelea School upon request. It is also possible to visit classrooms with the permission of the principal and teacher.

Q: Is transportation provided for my child from another LSC school district to a Challenge school?

Yes. Transportation is provided to the north and south Challenge sites if students do not live within walking distance to the school.

Which LSC elementary schools have the Challenge Program, and which schools feed into those schools?

Edgelea school currently houses the self-contained Challenge classes in grades two through five. Each elementary school has an identified first grade teacher who teaches children identified for "cluster" grouping.

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