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Broad Based Planning Team - 1999 Meeting Minutes
October 13, 1999

Dr. Vicki Vaughn, Program Coordinator
Chris Himsel. Director of Secondary Education
Andy Hughes, ParentsU Group Chairperson
Jan Philpy, parent
Katrina Imison-Bowker
Tom Fujimura, Director of Guidance Jeff H.S.
Rachel Stohler, Grade 12 Honors English teacher
Denise Booher-Walker, Program Building Coordinator at Jeff H.S., 
				Grade 9 Honors English teacher
Barb Knott, Assistant to Program Coordinator

Dr. Vaughn opened the meeting expressing her appreciation for those attending to 
express interest in the Challenge Program.  Introductions were made.  Dr. Vaughn 
gave a brief overview of each level:

At the Elementary level:
Changes in staffing from last year; new teachers in Grades 2 & 3 and a teacher 
transferred from Grade 5 at Vinton to Grade 4 at Edgelea.  
New programs; weekly chess lesson taught by Bruce Celiz-Hagen, a parent.  Spell 
Bowl for students in Grades 4 & 5. 
The Challenge teachers, Grades 2-5, met for an in-service to discuss  new Science 
curriculum and materials and individual classroom homework policies.  There is a 
reasonable progression of difficulty through the grades.

At the Middle School level:
Coordinators at each middle school are Nancy Bauman at Tecumseh and Phil Rifner 
at Sunnyside.
The program was intact at both middle schools this year since there was a Grade 5 
at both sites during 98-99.
What will happen for 00-01 is yet to be decided.  One plan discussed last year  was 
a tiered program;  a Challenge (accelerated) level at one site and an Honors 
(enriched) level at both sites.
Chris Himsel added that he had investigated programs in the Perry Township and 
Pike Township schools that may be of interest when a format is decided.

 High School level:
New Challenge Building Coordinator at Jeff was named in the Spring, Denise 
Denise had a program for parents and students to address the college search 
process.  Jan Philpy and Michael Philpy answered questions and gave information. 
The information was very well received.
An increased number of students at Jeff are taking the PSAT.  (The PSAT is the 
test instrument used to select National Merit Semi- Finalists.) Tom Fujimura 
added that in recent years as few as 25 students took the test because it was 
given on a Saturday. For the past two years information has been given to students 
earlier and the test is now given at Jeff during regular school hours.  This year 25 
freshman and 271 upperclassman took the exam.  Jeff has 5 National Merit 
Finalists.  This new  approached has created a space dilemma!

Denise Booher-Walker added that as Program Building Coordinator she is working 
with the middle school coordinators to improve communication about courses and 
qualifying students for the program.  She is also working to improve 
communication at Jeff concerning the same issues.  Denise is developing a 
brochure with course information about Honors classes, AP classes etc. and an 
update of the identification process.  She hopes to have it ready to use this spring.

Andy Hughes reported on behalf of the Challenge Program ParentsU Group.
The group is trying to work with a little more structure this year.  Meeting dates 
and general programs had been determined.  Addresses and e-mail addresses of 
interested parents have been gathered so that information could be passed along 
more efficiently.  Parents are interested in ways they can support the program.  

Dr. Vaughn passed out the first Challenge Family Handbook 1999-2000 that was 
given to all students this year.  She asked for any suggestions that could be 
implemented for next year.  Adding the web-site address, secondary information or 
where to get information for other levels,  sending a copy to SIS, and putting it on 
the present web-site for interested parties to have access to the information 
were all suggested. 

Items suggested for next BBPT meeting were:
transitioning students in the program at different levels
mentor-student program development
ethnic breakdown with in program
decision to exit program
middle school developments for 2000-01

The next meeting scheduled for the Broad Based Planning Team is Wednesday, 
January 26, 2000, at 3:45 p.m., Hiatt Administration Center in the 
SuperintendentUs Conference Room.  All administrators, teachers and parents are 
welcome to attend.