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Broad Based Planning Team - Meeting Minutes
Broad Based Planning Team
October 27, 1998
Hiatt Administration Center

Attended by:
Dr. Vicki Vaughn, Program Coordinator
Chris Himsel, Principal, Tecumseh Middle School
Nancy Bauman,  Program Building Coordinator,Tecumseh Middle School
Elaine Parlon, Challenge L.A. 8,Tecumseh Middle School
Carolyn Henry, Honors Geometry, Jeff High School
Linda Kussman, parent 
Cathy Gerber, parent
Jan Philpy, parent
Barb Knott, Assistant to Coordinator

Dr. Vaughn welcomed those in attendance and distributed the agenda for the 
meeting. She also gave a brief for explanation the meeting.  It fulfills a 
requirement of the grant the Challenge Program receives from the state of Indiana.

Dr. Vaughn gave an update on the group of parents, teachers and administrators 
from both middle schools that are evaluating the present middle school program 
with the understanding that the number of students identified in Grades 4, 3, 2 and 
Grade 1 Cluster is fewer than in the present Grade 5 classes and may not support 
the Middle School program in its present format in the fall of 2000. At the October 
15 th meeting the group brainstormed possible changes.  Possible program formats 
were discussed in smaller groups for strengths and weaknesses at the meeting of 
October 22..  The next meeting is scheduled for November 4, Wednesday, at Edgelea 
(5:00 p.m.) at that  meeting strengths and weaknesses of each possible solution 
will be discussed. It is the intent to come to a consensus on one particular 
solution, to support that solution with a rationale and to then pass the 
recommendation on to Dr. Eiler. 
Available copies were:
minutes from the meetings of October 15,  and 22 Middle School Challenge Program 
Considerations grid, listing the possible program alternatives enrollment numbers 
for students presently in the Challenge Program in Grades 1-5 number of students 
presently in each Challenge class at the middle schools in Grades 6-8.

Dr. Vaughn opened discussion about the Grade 1 Cluster distribution.  There are 28 
first grade students presently identified for the Grade 1 Clusters in nine of eleven 
elementary buildings.  Kindergarten students were identified  using teacher 
evaluations, parent evaluation and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test results. 
Several schools have 1 or 2 students identified. This is a difficult situation for 
the cluster teacher to enrich only 1or 2 students. One class has a group of 6.  This 
size group offers a better opportunity for the teacher to meet the needs of all 
students in the classroom.  One class has 11 students. A large number  presents a 
dilemma that  other students in the class often feel less capable even though 
he/she may learn in a more typical style or rate. Dr. Vaughn presented the 
possibility of having a self-contained first grade. If this were done more testing 
would be required. The reading level of each student would also be a consideration.  
In a self-contained class teacher training would not be a problem. It now is with 
Cluster teachers. Presently some teachers are assigned the cluster and do not have 
additional course work in the area of Gifted Education. Parents present stated that 
it might actually be an easier decision to make at Grade 1 instead of Grade 2 from 
a social position, in that friendships had not yet been established. This will be 
monitored and readdressed later in the year for further discussion.

Dr. Vaughn presented the topics to be presented at the in-services for the 
Challenge/Honor teachers at the secondary level throughout this year.  Grant 
money was used to help procure the speakers. The speakers are from the Center for 
Gifted Studies and Talent Development at Ball State University. Although may 
teachers have additional course work, not all do. These in-services will provide 
staff the opportunity to update their background and to hear from educators/ 
practitioners  in the field of Gifted Education. A list of topics and dates is 

During a brief discussion of present Gifted Education endorsement requirements 
Dr. Vaughn noted that the requirements are presently being evaluated. It was also 
noted that the state will reimburse monies spent for the course work and that our 
grant offers an additional stipend to be paid for completed course work in this 

Questions and concerns discussion  portion of the agenda included:

The definition of Honors vs G/T;  the impact the definition differences have on the 
secondary program. These terms do represent different levels of acceleration and 

A need for additional parental and student information for high school course 

The possibility of having a panel program for students and parents entering the 
high school by parents and students who have completed the program was 
discussed.  The intent  being to use past experiences to help those just starting. 
Topics might range from course selection, test taking,  and  opportunity 
considerations. The feasibility of such a panel will be looked into for 

Encouraging teachers to use parent helpers with able learners might be of help in 
the Cluster classrooms.

Dr. Vaughn concluded the meeting by tentatively setting the date for the next 
meeting for the week of March 22-26, 1999.  Notices will be sent in January.  Jan 
Philpy said the NAGC ( National Association for Gifted Children ) convention would 
be in Indianapolis in 2002.  It will be held in Louisville this year November 11-15. 
Appreciation for interest and attendance was expressed and the meeting was 
adjourned at 4:55 p.m.