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Challenge Parents' Meeting Minutes
March 4, 1998
Hiatt Adiminsitration Center
Attended by:
Dr. E. Eiler, Superintendent
Mrs. Linda Thompson, Director of Elementary Education
Dr. Vicki Vaughn, Challenge Program Coordinator
Kathy Beach
Dave & Penny Coy
Dave & Karen Ferry
Michelle Goodman
Doug & Laurie Cupp
Marla Glover
Mary Inman
Ruth Page
Deborah Hagen 
Connie & Jeff Washburn
Melissa Kohne
Julie Jones
Jean Wadley
Melissa George
Amanda Lindberg
Sharon Milligan
Cheryl Shake
Dawn Patterson
Dave & Nancy Krenk
Karen Harding
Terri DeWees
Julie Hopkins
Tim & Pam McCormick
Kathi Vandervate
Ayman Atari
Katie & Wendell Wiley
Nancy Cash 
Tammy Hobbs
Jackie Wilson
Shartrina Robinson
Callie Marksbary 
Kristin Rush
Konie & Andy Hughes
Thea & David Strand
Cathy Petgen
Dave & Alison Camillo
Judy Sly
Carol Wilson
Martha Riley
Nancy Whicker
Connie Smith
Dave Dennis
Sue Williams
Joyce Seidle
Judy & Stu Mathis
Patti Cauble
Diane West
Anna Rauh
Kevin & Virginia Myers
Liz Barker
Tanya Richardson
Jennie Higginbottom
Sandra Shugars
Dan Gresham
Lisa Mayer
Amy Paget
Paul D. Cook
Dawn & Jeff Reed
Dinah Snyder
Karen Smith
Sheryl Weist
Susan Scanlon
Barb Knott
Others attended but did not sign in.
Dr. Vaughn welcomed all the parents, teachers and administrators attending. Dr. Vaughn introduced Dr. Eiler, Superintendent, Mrs. Linda Thompson, Director of Elementary Education, and Mr. Mike Nolan, Steer person for the Challenge Program Parents Group (CPPG). Mr. Nolan announced the date for the next meeting of the Challenge Program Parents Group as March 24, at Edgelea Elementary School. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Vaughn then turned the meeting over to Dr. Eiler.

Dr. Eiler gave the background of events that led to the present meeting. Dr. Eiler had met with the CPPG in November and gave an overview of the status of the Challenge Program in LSC. A concern expressed by Dr. Eiler were fluctuating numbers of identified students from year to year and the difficulty of maintaining the present two site program. Dr. Eiler told the parents that he would meet with the teachers in the Challenge Program and charge them with the task to review program options and to then make a recommendation for the program. The teachers had completed the task as requested. He asked the parents to engage in similar discussion as to possible options, the positives and negatives, and to express questions and concerns they may have. Dr. Eiler stated that before any recommendations from him to the School Board was possible that conversations and discussions with parents, teachers, administrators, and the Lafayette Education Association (LEA) must take place. He asked that as the discusssions evolved tonight, keep in mind that LSC will have a self-containe program for those students that need it and that Superintendent he has to be concerned for finacnial accountability for the Challenge Program as compared to other programs.

Dr. Eiler explained that the large group of parents would break-up into three smaller groups with Dr. Vaughn, Mrs. Thompson and himself as facilitators for open discussion to examine the options. He also espress the hope that some general conclusions could be brought back to the reassembled group. The large group broke into three smaller groups. Dr. Eiler and one section of parents went to the Superintendent' s Conference Room. Dr. Vaughn, Mrs. Thompson and their respectivesections stayed in the Board Room.

Group Responses:
Dr. Vaughn' s Group- Single site, the most positives and long term solution.

Mrs. Thompson' s Group-
Dr. Eiler' s Group- continue the present two site program When the three sections reassembled, Dr. Eiler addressed the question of what time frame is in place for a change in the program: A show of hands from 12-15 parents indicated that if the site were changed they might consider to opt out of the program. Their main concerns were: transportation details and present grade 4 students moving twice in two years.

Dr. Eiler concluded the meeting by thanking those in attendance for the open discussion and strongly encouraging communication by letter, e-mail, telephone to continue this conversation.

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