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Challenge Parents' Meeting Minutes
Challenge Program Parents Group Meeting

January 13, 1998
Hiatt Administration Center

Attended by:
Dr. Vicki Vaughn, Program Coordinator
Andy Hughes
Terri DeWees
Tammy Hobbs
Connie Washburn
Judy Mathis
Diane S. West
Mike Nolan
Nancy Krenk
Debbie Hagan
Randy Linedecker
Dan Gentry
Kelly Gentry
Ron Ketchem
Connie Smith
Dave Camillo
Jennie Higginbottom
Dawn Oliver
Kathryn Gerber

Dr. Vaughn welcomed all in attendance and expressed appreciation for their 
interest in the Challenge Program. Dr. Vaughn gave a brief overview of all 
the hand-outs available on the table. The hand-outs  included:

Agenda for tonight's meeting

Minutes from the Challenge Program Parents Meeting, November 5, 1997

Minutes from the meeting of Dr. Eiler with the Challenge Program 
Elementary teachers, November 24, 1997

Option Grid generated from the Challenge teachers Gr.2-5, First Grade 
Cluster, November 24, 1997

Minutes from the Broad Based Planning Team, December 2, 1997

LSC Web Page hand-out from Andy Hughes

Challenge Program Parents Group (CPPG) format diagram

Challenge Program Parents Group (CPPG) committee lists

Department of Education (DOE) Resource Names and Numbers 

"Indiana Commission on the Future of Gifted and Talented Education makes 
recommendations, and answers questions"

Dr. Vaughn read through the announcements:
      a. IAG Convention 1998 - April 27-28, Radisson North, Indianapolis
      b. Purdue spring/summer activities
      c. Ball State activities - Gifted Girls Conference, January 29, 
         1998, at BSU
      d. Next newsletter- Class of 98 is first Challenge class- let office know where 
         these students will attend college
      e. Jeff H.S. students, Mike Smith and Susan DeLuca, will work with Challenge 
         students at Vinton to meet a requirement for a course at Jeff.  
         Mike and Susan participated in the Challenge Program through
         their LSC educational careers. 

Dr. Vaughn opened discussion to the general format, mission, and committee 
lists that had been generated and presented at the CPPG meeting, November 
5, 1997.

It was determined through discussion that the diagram prepared for the 
handout was not in the revised form.  Diane West gave of copy of the final 
draft to be copied for parents.  Questions concerning the frequency of 
meetings, steering committee membership, and committee chairpersons were 
to be discussed as those present broke into their chosen committees.  
Committee discussions lasted for 15-20 minutes.  It was determined that 
the CPPG would tentatively plan to meet 2-3 times annually. The Steering 
Committee would include members from each committee. These names would be 
turned into Mike Nolan who will chair the Steering Committee. Ron Ketchem 
will serve as the vice-chairman for  the Steering Committee.   A committee 
chairperson or a representative from the committee was to stay after the 
meeting for organizational purposes.

Andy Hughes made a presentation of the Challenge Program's web page 
located within the LSC Web Page ( Mr. Hughes' 
presentation was in an available hand-out and on the computer/tv hook-up 
for those in attendance.  In the near future a time line for the Spring 
identification procedure will be available and information for parents 
about the identification process. There was general agreement that this 
means of communication could be of great value.  Of those present almost 
half were on line and had access to the web site. 

There was a brief question and answer session. Those who had not yet 
signed-up for a committee were encouraged to do so. Tuesday, March 17, 
1998, is the date for the next  meeting. It will be at Vinton School due 
to a full calendar at Hiatt .

Dr. Vaughn adjourned the general meeting.  The Steering Committee stayed 
for a brief meeting. Those present were: 
Mike Nolan
Ron Ketchem
Nancy Krenk for David Krenk
Andy Hughes
Debbie Hagan for Diane West
Connie Smith

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