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Challenge Parents' Meeting Minutes
Challenge Parents' Meeting

November 5, 1997
Hiatt Administration Center
6:30 p.m.

Attended by:
Dr. Vicki Vaughn, Dr. Ed Eiler, Linda Thompson, Carrie Smith, Diane West, 
Roger West, Jan Philpy, Andy Hughes, Joyce Seidle, Ron Ketchem, Paul Cook, 
Connie Washburn, Julayne Moser, David Krenk, Tanya Richardson, Debbie 
Hagen, Mishael Hines, Alan Hines, Dawn Reed, Carolyn Johnson, Mike Nolan, 
Sue Williams, Ayman Atari, Shawn Deignan, Don L. Gresham, Barb Knott 

Dr. Vaughn started the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Following introductions of 
Linda Thompson,  Elementary Education Coordinator, and Dr. Ed Eiler, the 
Superintendent of the Lafayette School Corporation, the meeting was turned 
over to Dr. Eiler.  Dr. Eiler discussed collected data, the Sibling Report 
and the First Grade Cluster Report. The Sibling Report demonstrated that 
the LSC had done a very good job of allowing siblings of students that are 
identified for the Challenge to attend the same school.  This had been a 
parental concern when the  North and South sites plan was established 
several years ago.  Parents had been concerned about having siblings in 
different schools.  The plan allowed siblings of identified students to 
attend the same building as the identified student if space permitted.  
The data support that the LSC has done a very good job of handling this 
over the years. 
The First Grade Cluster Report  listed the distribution of students' 
scores. 29 students had been identified for "the Cluster" for  1997-98.  
Students were identified by using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 
Teacher and Parental Referral instruments, and additional tests if 
necessary.  This is a smaller number than in the past.  Some of these 
identified students  will not qualify for the self-contained program and 
some of those identified for the Grade 2 self-contained classroom will 
move to other school corporations. The final number enrolling for 
Challenge, Grade 2, has been smaller and  fluctuating as of late. This 
creates enrollment difficulties in the buildings where the program is 

Because  enrollment may be a concern, Dr. Eiler will charge the elementary 
level Challenge teachers to look at all possible programs and to suggest 
how the LSC can best met the needs of these identified students.  There 
may need to be programmatic changes to best deal with the ever changing  
population of Lafayette.  Dr. Eiler suggested the changes could be minor 
such as  organizing differently to teach to the students abilities or 
there could be major changes in the Challenge model.  The staff will be 
asked to examine the situation and to make a recommendation. The 
recommendation will then be brought to the parents for discussion.  The 
definition of the student that is serviced by this program could possibly 
change to include those with fine art talents, or students that are highly 
creative.  All possible scenarios are to be open for examination by the 
staff.  Dr. Eiler encouraged the parents to attend when a plan was 
presented, and enter the discussion.  Dr. Eiler stated his support for the 
Challenge Program and especially for the self-contained classroom concept.  
The present school board also supports the Challenge Program.  This  has 
not always been the case.  At times in the past there,  has been less 
favorable support for the Challenge Program especially if there was an 
inequity in classroom sizes. The LSC has the only program in the area that 
has self-contained classes in Grades 2-5.

Dr. Vaughn explained a definition of gifted as potential, either general 
or specific, the environment is the catalyst that will help to decide if 
the potential will become a talent. We, in LSC,  need to provide that 
environment for the identified children.  Dr. Vaughn explained a task 
force, at the state level,  that is working to have Gifted Education 
mandated by the state legislature. This would provide the impetus to 
assure programs like the LSC Challenge Program continued existence without 
concern of fluctuating support from the local school boards.   There was 
discussion as to the identification procedures used and potential changes 
that could evolve to eventually reach the middle schools if numbers 
remained smaller.

The Mission/Organization team reported.  The mission state proposed and 
accepted was: The main objective of the Challenge Program Parents Group is 
to be a partner in the success of the Lafayette School Corporation 
Challenge Program and our students.
Through the use of individual parent volunteers and special committee, we 
will facilitate the communication among Challenge Parents and: Challenge 
Program Administrators / Teachers /Students; Lafayette School Corporation 
Board / Administration / Teachers / Parents / Students; Community 
Resources; Legislative Organizations.  

The following Committees were suggested:

Steering - 1 representative / building and the Challenge Program 
Coordinator; gather and distribute factual information and organize 
Challenge Parent Group meetings.

Communication- 2 representatives from each school; distribute information 
to all Challenge Parents at their school.

Legislative- ? members; educate the Challenge Parents in legislative and 
school board issues; represent the Challenge Program if required.

Special Programs Committee- ? members; promotion of Challenge Program; 
organize speakers etc.

Family Connection- ? members; facilitate the initial adjustment of new 
students to the program and the move to middle school.

Discussion over the organizational structure was held. Shawn Degnan, Ted 
Paget, Tanya Richardson, Sarah Templin, Diane West , Sue Williams and Jan 
Philpy were  thanked for their efforts in the organization of the 
Challenge Program Parents Group (CPPG). Those wishing to participate on 
any of the committees were encouraged to sign the lists that had been 
placed on the back table.

Dr. Vaughn emphasized the need for a pro-active parent support status as 
opposed to a reactive status.  Commitment is a necessary component for the 
success of the parents group and the program.  The Broad Based Planning 
Team  meeting on December 2, at 3:45 p.m. at Hiatt Center was announced.  
All parents were invited to sign-up to attend.  Dr. Vaughn explained that 
is a requirement of the state grant.  The next meeting for the Challenge 
Parents Support  Group will be Tuesday, January 13, 1998, starting at 7:00 
p.m.  Mr. Hughes will put information concerning the Challenge Program on  
the LSC Web site and a newsletter will be out in early January.

Dr. Vaughn expressed her appreciation for those that worked on the mission 
statement and organization of the CPPG and for those who attended.  
Parents will be notified for the January meeting. Depending on the 
availability of the Board Room, the date would be January 12/13,1998, at 
7:00 p.m.  Meeting was adjourned.

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