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Broad Based Planning Team - 2001 Meeting Minutes
Challenge Program
Broad Based Planning Team
October 31,2001

Attended by:
	Dr. Vicki Vaughn, Challenge Program Coordinator, Edgelea El. Principal
	Andy Hughes, Chairperson for Ch. Program Parents Group, Parent
	Denise Walker, Jeff Building Ch.Program Coordinator, Gr. 9H English teacher
	Tom Fujimura, Jeff, Director of Guidance
	Chuck Herber, Jeff, Gr. 12 H English 
	Donna Osborn, Jeff, Honors Algebra 3 &4
	Carol Wood, Grade 2 Challenge
	Tammy Hobbs, Parent
	Debbie Hagen, Parent
	Nancy Krenk, Parent
	Jenny Higgenbottom, Parent
	Margaret Hass, Jeff, student
	Julie Mc Nelly, Parent

Dr. Vaughn welcomed those in attendance and expressed appreciation for their interest in 
the Challenge Program and their time commitment. Agendas and previous minutes were handed 
out. Introductions were made.  The next item on the agenda was a report about the 
identification for the Spring of 2001.  The number of students at each phase of the 
identification process and present enrollment for grades K-5 were presented. A copy of 
the report wass attached. Dr. Vaughn stated the students that were identified for gr.1 
cluster but at schools with a single student identified the student was invited to attend 
the Edgelea cluster.

There is a misunderstanding that if student is recommended by a teacher that placement is 
automatic.  An additional letter to parents early in the identification process may be 
helpful to parents.  It was also suggested that the wording on the initial letters to 
teachers emphasize the criteria needed for further testing and/ or placement.  Both  
suggestions will be attempted for the 2002 screening. 

Denise Walker presented problems encountered at the high school concerning entrance into 
or exit from the high school Honors/Challenge/AP courses:
     - guidance counselor place students without use of screening criteria
     - the guidance counselor with program ties can no longer make changes in computer
        assignments as previously done
     - students that are misplaced have great difficulty getting out of the 
        Honors/Challenge/AP courses and into an academic class
Denise is moving up the deadline for screening for students at Jeff to the first week in 
February.  Tom Fujimura  stated that if the information (screening results) was given to 
the guidance department by Spring Break it would give everyone ample time to make any and 
all adjustments before the following fall scheduling was complete.  This is a substantial 
change from the previous deadline date.  Denise will advertise this change through 
packets to teachers for distribution before parent/teacher conferences,  a story in the 
high school newspaper alerting students to the change in dates and this information will 
also be added to the January newsletter from the Challenge office.  The screening  time 
line for students coming form the middle schools will stay the same.  Each middle school 
has a slightly different approach.  The personnel from the guidance department as well as 
Denise Walker try to do what each middle school wants.  The final screening date for all 
paperwork to be turned in to the high school will be during the third week in March.  
Denise emphasized that the middle schools were very good to follow up students until all 
necessary work was completed.

Evaluations for the Challenge Program 2-5 and 6-8 for the 2000-2001 academic year are in 
notebooks.  Not all of the data have been tallied but will be done soon. The elementary 
teachers will meet with Dr. Vaughn to discuss the results.  Homework seems to be an issue 
at every level but yet according to the evaluations that have been tallied there is a 
wide range of time spent depending on the individual student.  Dr. Vaughn did share the 
complete packet of information that was passed out to the Excel parents at the May 
meeting with Dr. Eiler.  A copy of the packet wass attached.  The NWEA scores 
(fall/spring) for Grades 6 and 8 for 2000-01 are included. 
Dr. Vaughn briefly updated how the Challenge Program fits within the state plans 
developed at the schools, this will be reviewed in January.  Gifted / Talented education 
is part of the curriculum document.

Concerns of exactly how the Excel program, especially the math component, would affect 
students that will be in Gr. 8 next year and the difficulties that might evolve with the 
high school being on the "block schedule" were expressed.  Donna Osborn suggested the 
opportunity for the high school Math department  to have a discussion with Chris Himsel 
to  address these concerns to be ready for the Fall scheduling.  Examining the potential 
for courses to have co-credit (high school credit and college credit) was also opened.  
This is an area that should be explored due to the close proximity of Purdue University 
and the fact that our students could potentially receive college credit that would be 
accepted by most institutions.  A "Continuing Ed"  course at Jeff was one suggestion.  
Dr. Vaughn said she would try to set a meeting with Chris Himsel to discuss these issues. 
What is being taught at each level is of concern since the state has established the 
standards for each grade level.  The different subject areas, language arts vs math, seem 
to present unique problems.  Donna Osborn mentioned the development of an established set 
of "end of course" assessments for the Core 40 courses might be helpful for students 
coming from a home schooled or private school situation for placement.  She will keep the 
group updated on this.

Middle school parents were interested in the testing opportunities available to students 
for use in college or scholarship opportunities.  Dr. Vaughn emphasized the advantage of 
multiple experiences for either the SAT or ACT. She also encouraged freshman and 
sophomores to take the PSAT since the PSAT during the junior year is used to identify 
Semi-Finalist for the National Merit Scholarships.

January 23, 2002, Wednesday @ 3:45 p.m. will be the next scheduled 