My Life in Photographs

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It may come as a surprise to some that university professors are indeed real people living real lives. They have families, dogs, teenagers, tires that shred, and mothers. They laugh, cry, get confused, and make mistakes. They live for some years and then die.

I feel that the university is an opportunity for personal growth in many complementary dimensions. Certainly my colleagues and I work hard to provide students the opportunity to learn the engineering profession. I also hope students develop into well balanced, mature, emotionally healthy citizens.

I have provided these web pages in order to shed some light on what I consider important beyond the boundaries of the university. They show aspects of my life that enrich me, keep me honest, and complete my life. Perhaps something you see on these pages will teach you something about me or something about you. Perhaps something on these pages will open up a helpful or interesting dialog between us, enriching us both.

Please enjoy this glimpse into my life.

Dominick Andrisani

Photo Archive (scroll the window down to see the various image collections)

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