The Adventure Ends


437 x 640

Demetri getting water at Island Mine Campground on the morning of Wednesday, 5/31/00.


414 x 640

Demetri during sunset at Rock Harbor, Sunday, 6/4/00.


640 x 412

Dominick at sunset ar Rock Harbor, Sunday, 6/4/00. Dominick looks like a vertical pole extending up from a rock in this picture.


640 x 546

Mating insects at Daisy Farm Campground (Saturday, 6/3/00). The second insect is behind the first on the adjacent side of the wooden post. This creature reminds me of an Avro Vulcan Bomber.


397 x 640

A rock sculpture on the way from Daisy Farm to Rock Harbor (Sunday, 6/4/00).


490 x 634

Dominick, Demetri, Alison, and Keith at Rock Harbor. We had a lot of laughs together. Keith and Alison are from Sidney, Australia. They were on the ferry with us and we spent some wonderful hours together on Sunday and Monday at Rock Harbor.

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