MATLAB INTRODUCTION Below is a MATLAB script introducing you to MATLAB and giving examples of how to use the standard atmosphere function called atmosphere4. Put the contents of this file from below the ****** into a text file called test.m This file and matlab function atmosphere4 cam be found Make sure test.m and atmosphere4.m are in the MATLAB search path. Execute the file test.m from the MATLAB command line by typing test ****** % General Introduction to MATLAB and a % script to use the MATLAB function called atmosphere4. disp('Start of the script') %This line displays in the MATLAB % Command Window the text contained within the two quote marks. % Comment lines start with a %, like this line. % Comment lines generate no output in the MATLAB % Command Window (unless echo in on). % FILE NAMES % A MATLAB command is any command that can be executed % on the MATLAB Command Window. % A MATLAB script file is a file containing MATLAB commands. % Script files can have any name as long as it ends in .m % Function file names (atmosphere4.m) must be the same as the % function name (atmosphere4) with the .m appended. % The function name is found on the first line of the % function file, i.e., % function [temp,press,rho,Hgeopvector]=atmosphere4(Hvector,GeometricFlag) % MATLAB SEARCH PATH (the search path that MATLAB uses to find files) % The function atmosphere4 must be in the MATLAB search path % in order for MATLAB to find it. If it is not in the search path % use the Set Path command in the file menu of the MATLAB Command Window. % MATLAB COMMANDS (also MATLAB functions) % The MATLAB function help will type the initial comment lines % of a file until the first blank or executable line is found. help atmosphere4 echo on % Turns echo on so that all lines are printed % before being executed. %type atmosphere4 % will type the entire file. % lines like help atmosphere4 and type atmosphere4 can also % be executed from the MATLAB command line. echo off % Turns echo off so that all lines are not % printed befor being executed. % USING FUNCTION atmosphere4 WHEN Hvector is a scalar % Altitude data (Hvector) can be a scalar, i.e. one number. Hvector=1000 %When a MATLAB line does not end with a ; the results % of the line are printed. [rowsize,columnsize]=size(Hvector) %When a MATLAB line does not end with a ; %the results of the line are printed. In the case above rowsize and % colsize are printed. GeometricFlag=0 % This means that the altitude data is in geopotential feet. [temp,press,rho,Hgeopvector]=atmosphere4(Hvector,GeometricFlag) GeometricFlag=1 % This means that the altitude data is in geometric feet. [temp,press,rho,Hgeopvector]=atmosphere4(Hvector,GeometricFlag) % USING FUNCTION atmosphere4 WHEN Hvector is a vector % Altitude data (Hvector) can be a vector, i.e. an array of numbers. Hvector=0:1000:295000; %When a MATLAB line ends with a ; the results of % the line is not printed. % The above line creates a row vector called Hvector. % it starts at value 0, ends at value 295,000 and values are incremented % from eachother by 1000. There are to many numbers to print so % the semicolen prevents printing of the line (296 numbers). [rowsize,columnsize]=size(Hvector) GeometricFlag=0 % This means that the altitude data is in geopotential feet. [temp,press,rho,Hgeopvector]=atmosphere4(Hvector,GeometricFlag); %PLOTTING plot(temp,Hgeopvector) % Try typing help plot at the MATLAB command window. xlabel('Temperature, degR') ylabel('Altitude, geopotential feet') title('1976 NASA Standard Atmosphere') text(340,55000,'Stratosphere') text(360,36089,'Tropopause') text(340,15000,'Troposphere (Beechcraft Baron B58 flys here)') whos % Lists the sizes of all variables. % TRANSPOSING VECTOR Hvector Hvector=Hvector'; % The prime means matrix transpose (i.e. interchange % the rows and the columns. This will make Hvector a column vector (296x1) % instead of a row vector(1x296). [rowsize,columnsize]=size(Hvector) GeometricFlag=0 % This means that the altitude data is in geopotential feet. [temp,press,rho,Hgeopvector]=atmosphere4(Hvector,GeometricFlag); whos % Lists the sizes of all variables. Notice how the sizes % of all the matrices have change from the last time we did the whos command. % HELP COMMANDS % If you have any questions about what a MATLAB command does % type help command,i.e. help text %help help %Note that these commands have been commented out. % Remove the % to execute them. %help %help general %The many topics you can find from the help command. %help lang %help ops